YouTrack Server 2024.3 Help


This workflow provides several options for managing duplicate issues.






  • Attach duplicate links to single duplicated issue (on-change)

  • Raise priority when issue is duplicated by another issue (on-change)

  • Reopen issue when all duplicates links are removed (on-change)

  • Set state to "Duplicate" when duplicates link is added to issue (on-change)

  • Require links to duplicate issue when state becomes "Duplicate" (on-change)

Use Case

This workflow supports several use cases that help you automatically process duplicate issues.

  • Prevent users from deleting a duplicates link from an issue in a Duplicate state.

  • Ensure that all issues with a Duplicate state are linked to a duplicated issue.

  • Automatically change the issue state to Duplicate when a duplicates link is added.

  • Raise the priority of an issue when a duplicates link is added.

  • Attach duplicates links to a single issue instead of creating duplicates of duplicate issues.


This workflow includes different rules that can be used to manage duplicate issues.



Attach duplicate links to single duplicated issue

This rule automatically attaches duplicate issues to a single issue. This prevents users from creating a duplicates "tree" and consolidates all duplicates links in a single issue.

Raise priority when issue is duplicated by another issue

This rule attempts to raise the priority of an issue when it is duplicated by one or more issues. If a duplicate issue has a higher priority than the issue it duplicates, the priority of the original issue is raised.

Reopen issue when all duplicates links are removed

This rule automatically changes the issue state from Duplicate to Open if there are no duplicates links attached to the issue.

Set state to "Duplicate" when duplicates link is added to issue

This rule automatically changes the issue state to Duplicate when a user adds a duplicates link.

When an issue is updated, this rule checks that the list duplicates links is not empty and the state of this issue is not Duplicate. If a duplicates link is added and the issue state is not Duplicate, the rule verifies that the user has permission to update the State field. If the user has sufficient permission, the issue state is set to Duplicate.

Require links to duplicate issue when state becomes "Duplicate"

This rule forces users to add a link to a duplicated issue when they change an issue state to Duplicate.

When issue is updated, this rule verifies that the issue state is changed to Duplicate. If the state is changed to Duplicate and the list of duplicates-type links is empty, the user is notified to add a link to a duplicated issue.

Last modified: 16 November 2023