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IntelliJ IDEA 2025.1 EAP 6 is here! As we continue shaping the first major release of the year, you can get an early look at what’s coming by trying out the latest EAP build. You can download it fr
IntelliJ IDEA 2025.1 EAP 5 is out! You can download this version from our website, update directly from within the IDE, use the free Toolbox App, or install it via snap packages for Ubuntu. Down
Join us for a new IntelliJ IDEA livestream with Bouke Nijhuis, where we’ll explore how TDD and AI can work together to generate production-ready code.
Database migrations are critical to modern application development and deployment, enabling teams to evolve their database schema alongside their application code. However, as systems grow in complexi
We’ve just released IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3.3 with several valuable fixes. You can update to this version from inside the IDE, by using the Toolbox App, or by using snaps if you are a Ubuntu use
IntelliJ IDEA 2025.1 EAP 4 is now available! You can download this version from our website, update directly from within the IDE, use the free Toolbox App, or install it via snap packages for Ubunt
Welcome to this latest edition of Java Annotated Monthly! As we start 2025, we bring you a roundup of the latest advancements in the world of tech. Stay in the loop with a curated list of must-attend
Join us for a new IntelliJ IDEA livestream, where we’ll explore the tools and workflows for debugging GraalVM Native Images with IntelliJ IDEA.