JetBrains CodeCanvas 2024.3 Help

Invite Users. Create User Accounts

In CodeCanvas, user accounts can be created in several ways:

For each registered person, CodeCanvas creates a user account and a personal profile.

Invite users to register

When you invite a user, the user information (first, last names, username) is provided by the user upon their initial login, and the user account and profile are created afterward based on the information provided.

When inviting users, you can choose the level of access you want to provide with the invitation. Each level defines a Role that will be initially assigned to the user upon their registration:

  • Administrators (System Admin role)  – is intended for system administrators; allows managing global organization settings and access for other users.

  • Members (Member role)  – is intended for regular users - members of your organization, employees; includes basic permissions across the organization.

You can invite users in two ways:

  • Send them generated emails containing an invitation link. CodeCanvas lets you send several emails at once.

  • Create a link and send it to the users yourself via a messenger, email, etc. This option lets you quickly invite a big number of users using messengers or mailing lists. Keep in mind, though, that anyone who gets a hold of an invitation link will be able to register and log in to CodeCanvas.

To send invitation emails

  1. In the header navigation, select Administration, then in the sidebar menu, select Members.

  2. Click Invite members.

  3. Choose which level of access the invited user(s) will have: Administrators or Members.

  4. Select Email invites.

  5. Enter email addresses of the people you want to invite and click the Send .. invitation.

    • The users will receive an invitation email with a link to the login page.

    • Upon the initial login, the user can edit their last and first name, create username and password.

    • When the user submits the information, a user account and profile will be created.

    • The users will be assigned a Role according to the access level you specified.

  1. In the header navigation, select Administration, then in the sidebar menu, select Members.

  2. Click Invite members.

  3. Choose which level of access the invited user(s) will have: Administrators or Members.

  4. Select Invitation links.

  5. Specify:

    • expiration period for this link (or leave the default 10 days).

    • maximum number of people allowed using this link (or leave the default 10).

  6. Click Generate invitation link.

  7. Copy the link and share it with the people you want to invite.

To view all the invitations — active and expired

  • In the header navigation, select Administration, then in the sidebar menu, select Invitations.

    The list of invitation emails and links will be displayed.

Create a user account manually

This option lets you create a user account and a profile in advance, prior to user's initial login. You need to specify the person's first and last name, username, and email address. Upon initial login, the user sets a password or uses third-party credentials.

  1. In the header navigation, select Administration, then in the sidebar menu, select Members.

  2. Click New member.

  3. Fill out the displayed form. The following fields are mandatory:

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Username

    • Email address

    Other fields can be specified and edited at a later time.

  4. Click Create when done.

    • A user account and profile will be created with the data you've entered.

    • The user will receive an invitation email with a link to the login page where the user can set a password and access CodeCanvas.

Let users register in CodeCanvas with their email

You can allow people to sign up to CodeCanvas with their email at the login page. To prevent unauthorized access, you can allow only users with specified email domains.

Self-registering users will be asked to provide their email, first and last name, and create a username. When a user submits the information, a profile will be created.

To let users register in CodeCanvas with their email, you need to enable the corresponding option in the Built-in Authentication Module and specify the allowed email domains.

Let users register in CodeCanvas with third-party credentials

CodeCanvas comes with a number of authentication modules that allow users to register and log in with an account from an external provider, such as Google, GitHub, or an Open LDAP source.

Users registering with external accounts will be asked to provide their information upon registration. When a user submits the information, a profile will be created.

To let users register in CodeCanvas with their external accounts, you need to configure and enable the corresponding authentication module. The configuration options let you set up restricted access to allow only users with specified email domains. Refer to User Authentication for details.

Last modified: 08 October 2024