DataGrip 2023.1 Help







Edit a value in the selected cell or cells. Alternatively, you can double-click the cell and start typing a value. The Edit command is unavailable for read-only values.

  • To open the auto-completion list, press Control+Space.

  • To confirm your changes, press Enter.

  • To cancel editing, press Escape.

App general expand component Open in Value Editor


Open in a separate value editor where you can edit data that is stored in the cell.

For more information about the editor, refer to Value editor.

App general expand component Show Aggregate View

Open the aggregate view where you can select values of multiple cells and get a single summary value.

For more information about the view, refer to Aggregate view.

the Revert Selected button Revert Selected


Revert changes that you made to a cell value. You can select a scope of different cells and revert values in this scope.

For more information about reverting changes, see Submit changes to a database.

Set Highlighting Language

Select a language that the IDE should use to highlight data in a cell.

Change Display Type

Select how the IDE should display binary data in the column. 16-byte data is displayed as UUID by default.



Set the current cell value to the default value or the value that you specified for the column.

For more information about how to view or set a default value, see Manage default and NULL values for a cell.



Set the current cell value to NULL.

For more information about how to allow a NULL value, see Manage default and NULL values for a cell.

Load File…

Load a file into the field.

Save LOB…

For the cells that contain a binary large object (LOB). Save content of a cell into a file.

App actions copy Copy


Copy selection to the clipboard.

App actions copy Copy Aggregation Result (SUM)

Copy a summary value for a range of cells. By default, DataGrip copies the SUM aggregation result. To change the default, right-click the status bar and ensure that the Aggregator option is selected. Click the aggregator widget on the status bar and select the aggregator to use as default.

App actions menu paste Paste


Paste the contents of clipboard into the table.

App general add Add Row

Add a row to the end of a table.

App general remove Delete Row


Delete selected rows.

App actions copy Clone Row

Create a duplicate of the selected row and adds the duplicate to the end of a table.

Quick Documentation


Show information about selected objects. For different database objects, Quick Documentation shows corresponding information. For example, for a group of cells, you will see a summary for the selection. You can preview it in a regular or in a transposed view and also see the related records by their foreign keys.

Quick Documentation for a group of cells

Go To | Navigation Bar

Jump to a navigation bar.

Go To | Database Explorer

Open the selected object in the Database Explorer.

Go To | Related Symbol

Navigate to one of the related objects.

Go To | DDL

Open an object definition (DDL).

Go To | Row…


Jump to a specified row.

In the Go to Row dialog, specify the column and row number (use the column:row pattern).

Go To | All Related Rows


Jump to a related record.

The command options are a combination of those for Go To | Referenced Rows and Go To | Referencing Rows. Read more about related data in Navigate between related data.

All Related Rows

The command is not available if there are no related records.

Go To | Referenced Rows


Switch to a record that the current record references. If more than one record is referenced, select the target record in the popup that appears.

Read more about related data in Navigate between related data.

The command is not available if there are no referenced records.

Go To | Referencing Rows


Use this command or shortcut to see the records that reference the current record. Read more about related data in Navigate between related data. In the popup that appears there are two categories for the target records:

  • First Referencing Row: all the rows in the corresponding table are shown, and the first of the rows that references the current row is selected.

  • Referencing Rows Only: only the rows that reference the current row are shown.

The command is not available if there are no records that reference the current one.

Filter by

Select a filter that you want to a column.

App actions search Full-Text Search…


Open a search window where you can search for data in your database or a group of databases. For more information about full-text search, see Full-text search in databases.

Search for data in databases

App actions download Export Table to Clipboard

Copy the whole table to the clipboard. This action does not depend on Limit page size to setting.

Switch Session (your_current_session_name)

Open a window to select another session or create a new one. For more information about sessions, see Manage connection sessions.

Using the quick documentation view

The quick documentation view provides details about values in the selected cell or cells. For example, if a cell contains long text, you will see the whole text. If a cell contains an image, you will see a preview of the image. Also, you can see records that are referenced in the current record as well as the records that reference the current one.


Documentation view

Long text

If a cell contains long text, you will see the whole text.

Quick documentation view for long texts


If a cell contains an image, you will see a preview of the image.

Quick documentation view for images

Also, you can


The quick documentation view for records displays records that are referenced in the current record and records that reference the current one.

Quick documentation view for an image

You can switch to a transposed view. In the transposed view, rows and columns are interchanged.

To switch to the transposed view, click Transposed View. For more information about the transposed view in tables, see Transpose a table.

Transposed view for records

Productivity tips

Manage default and NULL values for a cell

When a new row is created and no values are specified for some of the cells, those cells are filled with their respective default Control+Alt+D or NULL (Control+Alt+N) values.

When you set default values for a cell, you can use corresponding actions from the context menu (Set DEFAULT and Set NULL).

  1. In the Database Explorer ( View | Tool Windows | Database Explorer) , expand a data source tree.

  2. Right-click the table and select Modify Table Control+F6.

  3. On the Columns tab, double-click the column that you want to edit.

  4. In the Default field, specify the default value of the cell in the column. To allow NULL values, clear the Not null checkbox.

    Set default values for a cell

Edit multiple cell values simultaneously

  1. Select a range of cells that you want to edit.

  2. Start typing a new value. The changes are applied to all the selected cells.

  3. To confirm the value, press Enter. To cancel editing, press Escape.

    Edit multiple cell values

Saving a LOB into a file

You can save a binary large object (BLOB or LOB) from a cell into a file.

  1. Right-click the cell that contains the LOB and select Save LOB.

  2. In the save dialog, specify the name and location of the file and click OK.

    Saving a LOB into a file

Copy and paste cells between tables

  • You can copy Control+C and paste Control+V selected cells and ranges of cells - within the same table or from one table to another one. When pasting, DataGrip converts data types automatically if and as necessary.

    Copy and paste cells between tables
Last modified: 21 June 2023