Tool windows

Last modified: 15 November 2022

Tool windows provide access to development tasks: viewing your project structure, running and debugging your application, integration with version control systems and other external tools, code analysis, search, navigation, and so on. By default, tool windows are attached to the bottom and sides of the main window. However, you can rearrange and even detach them to use as separate windows, for example, on another monitor.

Tool windows
  1. Database Explorer

  2. Bookmarks tool window

  3. Services tool window

  4. Structure tool window

  5. Files tool window

Some tool windows are always available (for example, Database, Services, Files, and others), some are activated when a specific plugin is enabled, and some appear only when you perform a certain action (for example, Services, Debug, and Find).

To focus your attention on the editor, you can hide all tool windows and then when necessary, quickly restore all windows that were open when you've hidden them.