DataGrip 2023.2 Help

Predefined macOS keymap

DataGrip's top keyboard shortcuts

Search Everywhere

Double Shift

Find Action...

Command Shift A

Show Files window

Command 2

Show Intention Actions

Alt Enter

Recent Files

Command E

Find Usages

Alt F7

Select In...

Alt F1


Command ,


Command N

Run Anything

Double Control


Control Alt D

View Breakpoints...

Command Shift F8

Attach to Process...

Alt Shift F5

VCS Operations Popup...

Control V

Refactor This...

Control T

Reformat Code

Command Alt L

Basic editing


Command X


Command C


Command V

Paste as Plain Text

Command Alt Shift V

Paste from History...

Command Shift V

Copy Paths

Command Shift C

Copy Reference

Command Alt Shift C

Save All

Command S


Command Z


Command Shift Z

Indent Selection


Unindent Line or Selection

Shift Tab

Auto-Indent Lines

Control Alt I

Start New Line

Shift Enter

Start New Line Before Current

Command Alt Enter

Delete Line

Command Backspace

Join Lines

Control Shift J

Duplicate Line or Selection

Command D

Toggle Case

Command Shift U

Scratch File

Command Shift N

Open Source in New Window

Shift F4

Increase Font Size in All Editors

Control Shift .

Decrease Font Size in All Editors

Control Shift ,

Caret navigation

Move Caret to Previous Word

Alt ArrowLeft

Move Caret to Next Word

Alt ArrowRight

Move Caret to Line Start

Command ArrowLeft

Move Caret to Line End

Command ArrowRight

Move Caret to Matching Brace

Control M

Move Caret to Code Block Start

Command Alt [

Move Caret to Code Block End

Command Alt ]

Next Method

Control Shift ArrowDown

Previous Method

Control Shift ArrowUp

Move Caret to Page Top

Command PageUp

Move Caret to Page Bottom

Command PageDown

Page Up


Page Down


Move Caret to Text Start

Command Home

Move Caret to Text End

Command End

Select text

Select All

Command A

Left with Selection

Shift ArrowLeft

Right with Selection

Shift ArrowRight

Move Caret to Previous Word with Selection

Alt Shift ArrowLeft

Move Caret to Next Word with Selection

Alt Shift ArrowRight

Move Caret to Line Start with Selection

Command Shift ArrowLeft

Move Caret to Line End with Selection

Command Shift ArrowRight

Up with Selection

Shift ArrowUp

Down with Selection

Shift ArrowDown

Move Caret to Code Block Start with Selection

Command Alt Shift [

Move Caret to Code Block End with Selection

Command Alt Shift ]

Move Caret to Page Top with Selection

Command Shift PageUp

Move Caret to Page Bottom with Selection

Command Shift PageDown

Page Up with Selection

Shift PageUp

Page Down with Selection

Shift PageDown

Move Caret to Text Start with Selection

Command Shift Home

Move Caret to Text End with Selection

Command Shift End

Extend Selection

Alt ArrowUp

Shrink Selection

Alt ArrowDown

Code folding


Command NumPad-+


Command NumPad--

Expand Recursively

Command Alt NumPad-+

Collapse Recursively

Command Alt NumPad--

Expand All

Command Shift NumPad-+

Collapse All

Command Shift NumPad--

Fold Selection

Command .

Multiple carets and selection ranges

Coding assistance

Show Intention Actions

Alt Enter

Basic Completion

Control Space

Type-Matching Completion

Control Shift Space

Second Basic Completion

Control Alt Space

Complete Current Statement

Command Shift Enter

Reformat Code

Command Alt L

Parameter Info

Command P

Quick Documentation


Move Statement Up

Command Shift ArrowUp

Move Statement Down

Command Shift ArrowDown

Move Element Left

Command Alt Shift ArrowLeft

Move Statement Right

Command Alt Shift ArrowRight

Move Line Up

Alt Shift ArrowUp

Move Line Down

Alt Shift ArrowDown

Comment with Line Comment

Command /

Comment with Block Comment

Command Alt /

Surround With...

Command Alt T


Command N

Context navigation

Next Method

Control Shift ArrowDown

Previous Method

Control Shift ArrowUp

Go to Line/Column...

Command L


Control Tab

Select In...

Alt F1

Recent Files

Command E

Last Edit Location

Command Shift Backspace


Command [


Command ]

Select Next Tab

Command Shift ]

Select Previous Tab

Command Shift [

Toggle Anonymous Bookmark


Toggle Bookmark with Digit


Toggle Bookmark with Mnemonic

Alt F3

Show All Bookmarks

Command F3

Go to Bookmark with Digit


Show Mnemonic Bookmarks

Command Alt F3

Show Structure window

Command 7

Show Find window

Command 3

Next Occurrence

Command Alt ArrowDown

Previous Occurrence

Command Alt ArrowUp

Find everything

Search Everywhere

Double Shift


Command F

Find Next / Move to Next Occurrence

Command G

Find Previous / Move to Previous Occurrence

Command Shift G


Command R

Find in Files...

Command Shift F

Replace in Files...

Command Shift R

Next Occurrence of the Word at Caret

Shortcut is missing

Go to File...

Command Shift O

File Structure

Command F12

Go to Symbol...

Command Alt O

Find Action...

Command Shift A

Find Usages

Alt F7

Go to Declaration

Command B

Show Usages

Command Alt F7

Highlight Usages in File

Command Shift F7

Code analysis

Run and debug

Run Anything

Double Control

Run context configuration

Control R


Control Alt R

Debug context configuration

Control D


Control Alt D

Attach to Process...

Alt Shift F5


Command F2

Resume Program

Command Alt R

Stop Background Processes...

Command Shift F2

Step Over


Force Step Over

Alt Shift F8

Step Into


Smart Step Into

Shift F7

Force Step Into

Alt Shift F7

Step Out

Shift F8

Run To Cursor

Alt F9

Force Run To Cursor

Command Alt F9

Show Execution Point

Alt F10

Evaluate Expression...

Alt F8

Quick Evaluate Expression

Command Alt F8

Toggle Line Breakpoint

Command F8

Toggle Temporary Line Breakpoint

Command Alt Shift F8

View Breakpoints...

Command Shift F8

Edit Breakpoint

Command Shift F8

Show Run window

Command 4

Show Debug window

Command 5

Show Services window

Command 8


Refactor This...

Control T


Shift F6

Change Signature...

Command F6



Introduce Parameter...

Command Alt P

Introduce Variable...

Command Alt V

Global VCS actions

VCS Operations Popup...

Control V


Command K

Update Project

Command T


Command Alt Z


Command Shift K

Next Change

Control Alt Shift ArrowDown

Previous Change

Control Alt Shift ArrowUp

Show Version Control window

Command 9

Show Commit window

Command 0

Differences viewer

Show Diff

Command D

Compare Files

Command D

Next Difference


Previous Difference

Shift F7

Accept Left Side

Command Control ArrowRight

Accept Right Side

Command Control ArrowLeft

Select Opposite Diff Pane

Control Shift Tab

Show Diff Settings Popup...

Command Shift D

Tool windows

Hide Active Tool Window

Shift Escape

Hide All Tool Windows

Command Shift F12

Jump to Last Tool Window


Stretch to Left

Control Alt ArrowLeft

Stretch to Right

Control Alt ArrowRight

Stretch to Top

Control Alt ArrowUp

Stretch to Bottom

Control Alt ArrowDown

Show Files window

Command 2

Show Find window

Command 3

Show Run window

Command 4

Show Debug window

Command 5

Show Problems window

Command 6

Show Structure window

Command 7

Show Services window

Command 8

Show Version Control window

Command 9

Show Commit window

Command 0

Show Terminal window

Alt F12

Show Database Explorer

Command 1

Last modified: 27 June 2023