Predefined Windows keymap
You can find all shortcuts and modify them in Settings | Keymap.
Search Everywhere | Double Shift |
Find Action... | CtrlShift0A |
Alt02 | |
AltEnter | |
Ctrl0E | |
AltF7 | |
AltF1 | |
CtrlAlt0S | |
AltInsert | |
Run Anything | Double Ctrl |
Debug... | AltShiftF9 |
CtrlShiftF8 | |
Attach to Process... | CtrlAltF5 |
Alt0` | |
CtrlAltShift0T | |
CtrlAlt0L |
Cut | Ctrl0X |
Copy | Ctrl0C |
Paste | Ctrl0V |
Paste as Plain Text | CtrlAltShift0V |
Paste from History... | CtrlShift0V |
Copy Paths | CtrlShift0C |
Copy Reference | CtrlAltShift0C |
Ctrl0S | |
Ctrl0Z | |
CtrlShift0Z | |
Tab | |
ShiftTab | |
CtrlAlt0I | |
Start New Line | ShiftEnter |
Start New Line Before Current | CtrlAltEnter |
Delete Line | Ctrl0Y |
Join Lines | CtrlShift0J |
Duplicate Line or Selection | Ctrl0D |
Toggle Case | CtrlShift0U |
CtrlAltShiftInsert | |
Open Source in New Window | ShiftF4 |
AltShift0. | |
AltShift0, |
Move Caret to Previous Word | Ctrl0← |
Move Caret to Next Word | Ctrl0→ |
Move Caret to Line Start | Home |
Move Caret to Line End | End |
Move Caret to Matching Brace | CtrlShift0M |
Move Caret to Code Block Start | Ctrl0[ |
Move Caret to Code Block End | Ctrl0] |
Alt0↓ | |
Alt0↑ | |
Move Caret to Page Top | CtrlPg Up |
Move Caret to Page Bottom | CtrlPg Dn |
Page Up | Pg Up |
Page Down | Pg Dn |
Move Caret to Text Start | CtrlHome |
Move Caret to Text End | CtrlEnd |
Select All | Ctrl0A |
Left with Selection | Shift0← |
Right with Selection | Shift0→ |
Move Caret to Previous Word with Selection | CtrlShift0← |
Move Caret to Next Word with Selection | CtrlShift0→ |
Move Caret to Line Start with Selection | ShiftHome |
Move Caret to Line End with Selection | ShiftEnd |
Up with Selection | Shift0↑ |
Down with Selection | Shift0↓ |
Move Caret to Code Block Start with Selection | CtrlShift0[ |
Move Caret to Code Block End with Selection | CtrlShift0] |
Move Caret to Page Top with Selection | CtrlShiftPg Up |
Move Caret to Page Bottom with Selection | CtrlShiftPg Dn |
Page Up with Selection | ShiftPg Up |
Page Down with Selection | ShiftPg Dn |
Move Caret to Text Start with Selection | CtrlShiftHome |
Move Caret to Text End with Selection | CtrlShiftEnd |
Extend Selection | Ctrl0W |
Shrink Selection | CtrlShift0W |
Expand | CtrlNumPad + |
Collapse | CtrlNumPad - |
Expand Recursively | CtrlAltNumPad + |
Collapse Recursively | CtrlAltNumPad - |
Expand All | CtrlShiftNumPad + |
Collapse All | CtrlShiftNumPad - |
Fold Selection | Ctrl0. |
AltShiftClick | |
AltShiftInsert | |
Double Ctrl + Up | |
Double Ctrl + Down | |
AltShift0G | |
Alt0J | |
CtrlAltShift0J | |
AltShift0J | |
AltShiftMiddle click | |
AltClick | |
CtrlAltShiftClick |
AltEnter | |
CtrlSpace | |
CtrlShiftSpace | |
CtrlAltSpace | |
CtrlShiftEnter | |
CtrlAlt0L | |
Ctrl0P | |
Ctrl0Q | |
Move Statement Up | CtrlShift0↑ |
Move Statement Down | CtrlShift0↓ |
Move Element Left | CtrlAltShift0← |
Move Statement Right | CtrlAltShift0→ |
Move Line Up | AltShift0↑ |
Move Line Down | AltShift0↓ |
Comment with Line Comment | Ctrl0/ |
Comment with Block Comment | CtrlShift0/ |
Surround With... | CtrlAlt0T |
AltInsert |
Alt0↓ | |
Alt0↑ | |
Ctrl0G | |
CtrlTab | |
AltF1 | |
Ctrl0E | |
CtrlShiftBackspace | |
CtrlAlt0← | |
CtrlAlt0→ | |
Alt0→ | |
Alt0← | |
F11 | |
CtrlShift[digit] | |
CtrlF11 | |
ShiftF11 | |
Ctrl[digit] | |
CtrlShiftF11 | |
Alt07 | |
Alt03 | |
Next Occurrence | CtrlAlt0↓ |
Previous Occurrence | CtrlAlt0↑ |
Search Everywhere | Double Shift |
Ctrl0F | |
F3 | |
ShiftF3 | |
Ctrl0R | |
CtrlShift0F | |
CtrlShift0R | |
CtrlF3 | |
CtrlShift0N | |
CtrlF12 | |
CtrlAltShift0N | |
Find Action... | CtrlShift0A |
AltF7 | |
Ctrl0B | |
CtrlAltF7 | |
CtrlShiftF7 |
AltEnter | |
CtrlF1 | |
F2 | |
ShiftF2 | |
CtrlAltShift0I | |
Alt06 |
Run Anything | Double Ctrl |
ShiftF10 | |
AltShiftF10 | |
Debug context configuration | ShiftF9 |
Debug... | AltShiftF9 |
Attach to Process... | CtrlAltF5 |
Stop | CtrlF2 |
Resume Program | F9 |
Stop Background Processes... | CtrlShiftF2 |
F8 | |
AltShiftF8 | |
F7 | |
ShiftF7 | |
AltShiftF7 | |
ShiftF8 | |
AltF9 | |
CtrlAltF9 | |
AltF10 | |
AltF8 | |
CtrlAltF8 | |
CtrlF8 | |
CtrlAltShiftF8 | |
CtrlShiftF8 | |
CtrlShiftF8 | |
Alt04 | |
Alt05 | |
Alt08 |
CtrlAltShift0T | |
Rename... | ShiftF6 |
Change Signature... | CtrlF6 |
Move... | F6 |
Introduce Parameter... | CtrlAlt0P |
Introduce Variable... | CtrlAlt0V |
Alt0` | |
Ctrl0K | |
Ctrl0T | |
CtrlAlt0Z | |
CtrlShift0K | |
CtrlAltShift0↓ | |
CtrlAltShift0↑ | |
Alt09 | |
Alt00 |
Ctrl0D | |
Ctrl0D | |
F7 | |
ShiftF7 | |
CtrlAlt0R | |
CtrlAlt0A | |
CtrlShiftTab | |
CtrlShift0D |
ShiftEsc | |
CtrlShiftF12 | |
F12 | |
CtrlAltShift0← | |
CtrlAltShift0→ | |
CtrlAltShift0↑ | |
CtrlAltShift0↓ | |
Alt02 | |
Alt03 | |
Alt04 | |
Alt05 | |
Alt06 | |
Alt07 | |
Alt08 | |
Alt09 | |
Alt00 | |
Show Terminal window | AltF12 |
Alt01 |
Thanks for your feedback!