Datalore 2023.4 Help

Customize the editor

Use the Editor settings view to customize the editor.

Change the editor settings

  1. Open the Editor settings view:

    • In the lower left corner of the editor, click the settings icon to open the Manage menu and select Editor settings.

      Manage editor menu
    • Go to Top menu | View and select Editor settings.

      Selecting editor settings from view
  2. In the Editor settings window, you can do the following to customize the editor:

    • Select the Line numbers checkbox to enable showing code and text line numbers.

    • Select the Soft wrap code cells checkbox to enable breaking code lines when resizing cells. When disabled, code cells are scrollable.

    • Select the Soft wrap Markdown cells checkbox to enable breaking Markdown lines when resizing cells. When disabled, Markdown cells are scrollable.

    • Select the Full-width cells checkbox to enable full-width view for all cells.

    • Select the Documentation on hover checkbox to enable documentation popups for code parts hovered over.

    • Set the font size in the Font size input field.

    • Set the line height in the Line height input field.

  3. (Optional) To reset the editor, click the Reset button at the Editor settings view.

Editor settings view
Last modified: 28 August 2023