Datalore 2024.5 Help

Feedback and reference options

Use the Help menu as your primary reference and feedback options to stay up to date about Datalore.

Access Help menu

In the editor, go to Main menu | Help and select the options described below.

Help menu
  • Shortcuts: to view all shortcuts available in the Datalore editor as an alternative to UX. Use the text field to filter the list.

  • Command palette: to view the full list of commands available in the editor and use them from the same interface. Use the text field to search the list. Some of the options are used as checkboxes. For example, in the image below, the Dark mode option is presented as a checkbox and selected to activate the respective mode.

    Command palette
  • Documentation: to navigate to the official documentation for Datalore.

  • Blog: to navigate to the official Datalore blog. The page will help you follow the latest news regarding the project.

  • Forum: to navigate to the official Datalore forum, where you can follow, or take part in, discussions regarding the project development and improvement.

  • Feedback & Support: to report a bug, make a complaint, or send any other kind of message regarding the platform's performance to the Datalore team using the Feedback & Support form.

    Feedback and Support form


support, leave feedback, documentation, forum, reference

Last modified: 29 November 2024