Open, reopen, and close projects
Opening a project
Open your project from disk
Do one of the following:
Click the Project widget, and then select Open.
On the Welcome Screen, select Projects, and then click Open.
In the Open File or Project dialog that opens, find the location of the desired project directory. The DataSpell projects are marked with and projects created in other IDEs or in a dedicated editor are marked with .
Click Open (on Mac) or OK (on Windows).
Open a project from Git
Do one of the following:
On the Welcome Screen, select Projects, and then click Get from Version Control.
Click the Project widget, and then select Project from Version Control.
Select the version control system where your project is stored. Here it is Git:
Specify the path to the repository and select the directory to which a project will be cloned. Alternatively, you can select GitHub on the left, login using your credentials, and select any project you want to work with.
Click Clone.
Once you have opened the project, you should configure Python interpreter for it, and set up your project.
Managing multiple projects
DataSpell suggests the following alternatives to work with several projects simultaneously:
Projects are added to DataSpell workspace.
Each project is opened in its own window. The projects are independent and cannot share information, except for the Clipboard operations. All the projects run in the same instance of DataSpell and use the same memory space.
A newly opened project shares the same window as the already opened one. The project that has already been opened is considered the primary project, and is always shown first in the Project tool window. All the other projects are attached to the primary project. You can import classes and methods from dependent projects
Add a project to the workspace
Do one of the following:
from the main menu.Click in the toolbar of the Workspace tool window.
Find the desired project directory in your file system.
Open multiple projects
Open a project, while another one is already opened.
Then, depending on the option selected in the Project section of the page of the Settings dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S) , DataSpell can ask you for the following alternatives:
If the New Window option is selected, the new project silently opens in a new window. The Attach option appears in the menu.
If the This Window option is selected, the new project silently opens in the same window, replacing the currently opened project. The Attach Project command appears in the menu.
If the Attach option is selected, DataSpell attaches the new project to the currently opened project. The project that has already been opened is the primary project.
On macOS, you can merge all opened project windows into one, turning them into tabs.
Make sure that there are several DataSpell projects opened in separate windows.
In the main menu, go to
.Drag a project's tab to work with the project in a separate window again.
With default macOS settings, tabs will be lost after you restart the IDE, and projects will open in separate windows. If you would like the IDE to reopen projects in tabs, configure your macOS to always use tabs when opening documents.
You can close a project that has been attached to the currently opened one (primary project).
Detach a project
In the Project tool window, right-click the project to be detached.
From the context menu of the selection, choose Detach or press Delete:
When DataSpell starts, the most recent project reopens by default (unless this option is disabled on the System Settings page of the Settings dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S) .
Reopening recent projects
DataSpell keeps the history list of the recent projects, from which you can select the desired one.
When DataSpell starts, the most recent project reopens by default (unless this option is disabled on the System Settings page of the Settings dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S) .
Open a recent project
from the main menu and select the desired project from the list.Note that the list also contains the projects that share one window.
Specify whether you want to open the project in a new window, reuse the current window, or attach it to the currently opened project.
Click the Project widget and select the project from the list of your recent projects.
On the Welcome screen, click Projects on the left-hand pane and then select the project of interest in the right-hand pane where the list of your recent projects is shown. Start typing in the Search projects field to filter the list of recent projects.
Closing projects
If you need to close only one project, you can either close the project window or select
from the main menu.If you work with multiple projects, use the following actions to close many projects at once:
Close all projects
Go to
.This action closes all projects that are currently opened in DataSpell.
Close all but the current project
Go to
.This action closes all opened projects except the current one.
When you have only one open project and you close it, DataSpell displays the Welcome screen. In case of multiple projects, each one is closed with its frame.
Remove a project from the list of recent projects
Click Manage Projects at the very bottom of the recent project list.
on the menu, then clickClick the icon next the project that you want to remove. The selected project will be removed from the list of recent projects in the Recent Projects menu and on the Welcome screen.
Switching between projects
To switch between open projects, you can use the following commands of the