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Go to File Member

Last modified: 22 September 2022

You can use this command to quickly navigate to a particular method, field, property in the current document (which can be a source file or a file reconstructed by decompilation).

You can also use this command to search text in the current document — textual matches will appear in the popup after the matching members.

If you want to search only for constructors, enter new or ctor (with trailing space) in the search box as a filter. To show only members with a specific access modifier, type this modifier. For example, type private to show private members

Case-insensitive CamelHumps is supported here: for example, if there is a member FindAction in your file, you can find it by typing 'fa' or 'FA' in the search box.

You can also use wildcards when specifying the name: '*' (asterisk) represents zero or more characters; '+' (plus), ':' (semicolon), '.' (dot), and '\' (backslash) separate parts of the type's fully qualified name.

This feature is inspired by and borrowed from JetBrains ReSharper, a developer productivity tool for Microsoft Visual Studio.