Search by name
dotPeek can bring you to any code item or file in a few keystrokes. The scope of the navigation includes all assemblies currently loaded in the Assembly Explorer window and all assemblies referenced from those assemblies.
To use the unified access to all search results, press Ctrl0T to display a popup where you can start typing and find code items in currently loaded assemblies that matches your input.
If you want to limit your search to types (classes, interfaces, structs or enums), press Ctrl0T twice .
If you want to search symbols (types, methods, properties, fields, and so on) - press AltShift0T.
You can also only search for assemblies by pressing CtrlShift0T.
dotPeek also lets you jump to types and type members in the current file by typing their names after pressing Alt|.
After invoking any of the above commands, start typing the target item, its CamelHumps abbreviation, and/or wildcards. The list of matched items will narrow down as you type and the most probable candidates are shown closer to the top of the list.
As soon as the target item appears in the list, you can choose it to open it in the editor. To view and analyze the list of matched items in the Find Results window, click Show in Find Results
, press Shift+Enter or + on the numeric keypad .