Coverage Analysis of Unit Tests
dotCover helps discover and run, debug or cover unit tests right in Visual Studio or using the command-line utility. The following unit testing frameworks are supported:
NUnit — dotCover installation includes 2 bundled test runners that support versions up to 2.7.1 and up to 3.15.5 correspondingly. Other versions up to 4.1.0 are supported and will be used if the corresponding NuGet package is installed in the project.
Custom test frameworks that use VSTest and Microsoft.Testing.Platform.
To enable support of these frameworks, select the corresponding checkboxes on the Alt+R, O.
page of dotCover optionsMachine.Specifications (requires an extension).
With dotCover, you can execute a single unit test, all tests in a test class, file, project or solution. You can also execute any number of tests combined in a test session.
Analyzing code coverage of unit tests in Visual Studio is one of the major usage scenarios for dotCover. It allows developers and test engineers to quickly locate parts of code not covered with unit tests and adjust their testing activities accordingly.
Before running coverage analysis , make sure that the PDB information exists for all target assemblies. The safest choice would be to build your code with the Debug build configuration.
In this section:
- In current document
- In project or solution
- Unit test sessions
- Test categories
- Execute tests
- Analyze test results
- Unit Test Explorer window
- Unit Test Sessions window
- Continuous Testing