Getting started with C++
This tutorial gets you up to speed with C++ development in JetBrains Fleet. It covers the installation, project setup, and working with code.
Install JetBrains Toolbox 1.22.10970 or later: the Download page.
Download and install JetBrains Toolbox.
In JetBrains Toolbox, click Install near the JetBrains Fleet icon.
JetBrains Fleet supports C++ projects with compilation databases.
A compilation database is a JSON file named compile_commands.json, which contains structured data about every compilation unit in the project.
Follow this instruction to generate a compilation database for your project.
Your compile_commands.json can be located anywhere under the project root. Fleet checks all the workspace directories at picks the largest compile_commands.json file.
Press or select File | Open from the menu.
Select your project root folder and click Open:
The opened directory becomes the root of your workspace:
Smart Mode turns on code insight features for your C++ code.
Click the Smart Mode Status icon in the top-right corner. In the popup that appears, click Enable.
The following message indicates that JetBrains Fleet might not have been able to download Clangd due to a firewall restriction.

Follow these steps to manually install Clangd as a workaround:
Download Clangd from the Maven repository.
The latest Clangd versions now include an architecture suffix (for example,
). Be sure to select the correct version for your system.Copy the downloaded files to the corresponding JetBrains Fleet directory:
For JetBrains Clangd:
/home /user /.cache /JetBrains /Fleet /language_server /jbclangd /* For Upstream Clangd:
/home /user /.cache /JetBrains /Fleet /language_server /clangd /*
Restart JetBrains Fleet.
Here's what you can do in Smart Mode. The below is not an exhaustive list of Smart Mode features, rather a couple of examples that'll help you to get the feel of how it works in Fleet.
All the errors in your code are highlighted red:
Context-aware completion gives a list of suggestions for names, types, and keywords:
Among the completion suggestions, you can find templates for common code constructs. Select one from the list, and then use Tab to move the caret between stubs:
Available code snippets:
typedef [type] [name];
using [name] [type];
namespace [name] = [namespace];
using namespace [identifier];
using [qualifier]::[name];
using typename [qualifier]::[name];
template<class [name]>
template<typename [name]>
switch ([condition]) { [cases] }
case [expression]:
goto [label];
catch ([declaration]) { [statements] }
concept [name] = [constraint];
#define [macro]([args])
To transform an already typed expression into a different one without moving the caret, add a dot at the end. You will see postfix completion options among the list of suggestions:
For example, you can choose if, and the initial expression will get wrapped into an
Press to get the list of parameter names in a function call:
Click Show all to view all the usages.
Hover over a class, function, field, or another element to see where and how it is defined:
Select an item to be renamed, press , and enter the new name:
Navigate to the declaration of a symbol with .
Find usages of a symbol with :
Skim over the errors with and .
Fleet does not provide automation for the process of building a running C/C++ applications.
However, you can use Fleet's language-agnostic run configurations for that. Find below an example for the case of CMake:
"configurations": [
"type": "command",
"name": "Build",
"program": "cmake",
"args": ["--build", "$PROJECT_DIR$/cmake-build-debug", "--target", "program_name"],
"type": "command",
"name": "Run",
"program": "$PROJECT_DIR$/cmake-build-debug/program_name",