Smart Mode
Fleet can function as both a lightweight text editor and an intelligent code editor. To optimize system resources, resource-intensive features are enabled only when needed.
With Smart Mode enabled, you can work with individual files or folders containing multiple files seamlessly.
Never enable Smart Mode for the projects that you do not trust. More on this in Security.
Click the Smart Mode Status icon in the top-right corner. In the popup that appears, click Enable.
You may have to wait for preparatory activities to complete. If you want to disable Smart Mode later on, you can do it through the same popup.
Smart Mode is required for the following features:
Semantic highlighting (partially available without Smart Mode)
Code completion (partially available without Smart Mode)
Code refactoring
Navigation and search (partially available without Smart Mode)
Find usages
Type information retrieval for parameters and expressions
On-the-fly error detection and quick-fixes
The list above is not exhaustive and may vary for different languages and plugins. It only serves to give you an idea of the smart features that Fleet offers.
By default, Fleet excludes some folders like .git and .DS_Store from the scope of Smart Mode. Fleet does not index such directories, hence they are not used for search and code intelligence features.
For optimal resources usage, you may want Fleet to also ignore other folders in the workspace.
Press to open settings.
Alternatively, to open settings, you can use the main menu:
Windows and Linux: click the Menu icon and navigate to File | Settings | Settings.
macOS: from the main menu, click Fleet | Settings.
Click the tab with the name of your workspace.
Click Edit in settings.json near Exclude folders from workspace.
settings.json opens in your workspace root. Populate the generated
array with relative paths to folders you want to exclude, for example:"excluded": [ "dir1/dir2", "dir3" ]
For Fleet’s Smart Mode features to work, it may need to execute project code, which might pose a problem when its source is untrusted. Actions like importing project, running scripts, and executing git commands may run malicious code. For this reason it is important to only enable Smart Mode when you trust the code authors.
Code intelligence features are provided by components called backends. Architecturally, they are separate from other components, so they may run both locally or remotely. Fleet identifies the following types of backends:
IntelliJ IDEA-based – a headless instance of IntelliJ IDEA with plugins.
ReSharper-based – a headless instance of ReSharper.
LSP-based – a server that talks to Fleet via the Language Server Protocol
When you enable Smart Mode, Fleet launches a particular type of backend depending on the language. For example, Java is handled by IntelliJ IDEA, whereas Rust support is provided by a LSP server.
For more information about Fleet architecture, refer to Architecture overview.