Kotlin run configurations
This topic summarizes the run configurations available for Kotlin. Each table provides keys that are available within a run configuration and their descriptions.
For a step-by-step introduction to using Java in JetBrains Fleet, see Getting started with Kotlin.
Build JVM modules described in IntelliJ project model
This run configuration is only available in Smart Mode.
| Custom environment variables for the process in the form of a JSON object. To define an environment variable, add a property, where the key is the variable name and the value is the value of the variable, for example:
| Names of other configurations which will be executed before this configuration, for example: |
| Working directory for this run configuration. |
| When set to |
| Indicates whether to compile test source code Default value: |
| Indicates whether incremental compilation caches can be used Default value: |
| Specifies the name of the module to be built (together with its dependencies) Default value: |
| Specifies files to be compiled Default value: |
| Indicates whether independent modules can be compiled in parallel Default value: |
| Additional JVM options for the JPS process in the form of a JSON array, for example, Default value: |
"name": "Build",
"type": "jps-build",
"module": "spring-petclinic",
"includeTests": false
Run JVM applications described in IntelliJ project model
This run configuration is only available in Smart Mode.
(required) | Class with the main method to run |
(required) | Name of the JPS module whose compilation output with dependencies will be added to the runtime classpath |
| Custom environment variables for the process in the form of a JSON object. To define an environment variable, add a property, where the key is the variable name and the value is the value of the variable, for example:
| Names of other configurations which will be executed before this configuration, for example: |
| Working directory for this run configuration. |
| When set to |
| Command-line arguments for the Java program. The value is a JSON array, for example, Default value: |
| Indicates whether test sources compilation output should be included in the runtime classpath Default value: |
| JVM options in the form of a JSON array, for example, Default value: |
| Show process output in PTY Default value: |
"name": "Run Java App",
"type": "jps-run",
"workingDir": "$PROJECT_DIR$",
"dependsOn": [
"mainClass": "org.springframework.samples.petclinic.JavaApp",
"module": "spring-petclinic",
"options": [
Runs JVM tests described in IntelliJ project model.
This is an internal run configuration not meant for manual setup
This run configuration is only available in Smart Mode.
(required) | Name of the JPS module whose compilation output with test dependencies will be added to the runtime classpath |
| Custom environment variables for the process in the form of a JSON object. To define an environment variable, add a property, where the key is the variable name and the value is the value of the variable, for example:
| Names of other configurations which will be executed before this configuration, for example: |
| Working directory for this run configuration. |
| When set to |
| JVM options, including test runner main class with arguments. The value is a JSON array, for example, Default value: |
| Show process output in PTY Default value: |
"name": "VetTests",
"type": "jps-test",
"workingDir": "$PROJECT_DIR$",
"dependsOn": [
"module": "spring-petclinic",
"options": [
"$USER_HOME$/.m2/repository/org/junit/platform/junit-platform-launcher/1.7.2/junit-platform-launcher-1.7.2.jar:$USER_HOME$/Library/Caches/JetBrains/Fleet/intellij-plugin/fleet-backend-233.11416.tar.zst_748564d0a2c518e07a5ac0548b2099cb/FleetBackend 2023.3 EAP.app/Contents/lib/idea_rt.jar:$USER_HOME$/Library/Caches/JetBrains/Fleet/intellij-plugin/fleet-backend-233.11416.tar.zst_748564d0a2c518e07a5ac0548b2099cb/FleetBackend 2023.3 EAP.app/Contents/plugins/junit/lib/junit5-rt.jar:$USER_HOME$/Library/Caches/JetBrains/Fleet/intellij-plugin/fleet-backend-233.11416.tar.zst_748564d0a2c518e07a5ac0548b2099cb/FleetBackend 2023.3 EAP.app/Contents/plugins/junit/lib/junit-rt.jar",
Run Maven commands
(required) | Maven goals and phases to run. |
| Custom environment variables for the process in the form of a JSON object. To define an environment variable, add a property, where the key is the variable name and the value is the value of the variable, for example:
| Names of other configurations which will be executed before this configuration, for example: |
| Working directory for this run configuration. |
| When set to |
| Maven command-line arguments. Default value: |
"name": "Run petclinic via maven",
"type": "maven",
"workingDir": "$PROJECT_DIR$",
"tasks": [
"--activate-profiles", "mavenProfile_1"
Run JVM applications using Maven exec plugin commands
(required) | Class with the main method to run. It will be passed to Maven via |
| Custom environment variables for the process in the form of a JSON object. To define an environment variable, add a property, where the key is the variable name and the value is the value of the variable, for example:
| Names of other configurations which will be executed before this configuration, for example: |
| Working directory for this run configuration. |
| When set to |
| Java application arguments. They will be passed to Maven via the Default value: |
| Maven project to build and run. A project can be specified with Default value: |
"name": "Run petclinic via maven",
"type": "maven-run",
"mainClass": "org.springframework.samples.petclinic.PetClinicApplication",
"workingDir": "$PROJECT_DIR$"
Run Gradle tasks
(required) | Gradle tasks to run. The value is a JSON array, for example, |
| Custom environment variables for the process in the form of a JSON object. To define an environment variable, add a property, where the key is the variable name and the value is the value of the variable, for example:
| Names of other configurations which will be executed before this configuration, for example: |
| Working directory for this run configuration. |
| When set to |
| Gradle command-line arguments. The value is a JSON array, for example, Default value: |
| Gradle scripts to be "injected" into Gradle execution for this configuration run. The value is a JSON structure ("temp file prefix" : "text script content"). For example: Default value: |
"name": "Build",
"type": "gradle",
"tasks": [
"args": [
Spring Boot run configuration
This run configuration is only available in Smart Mode.
(required) | Class with the main() method |
(required) | The module whose classpath should be used to run the application |
| Custom environment variables for the process in the form of a JSON object. To define an environment variable, add a property, where the key is the variable name and the value is the value of the variable, for example:
| Names of other configurations which will be executed before this configuration, for example: |
| Working directory for this run configuration. |
| When set to |
| Active profiles in the form of a JSON array, for example, Default value: |
| Override any configuration property. The value is a JSON array of objects, each object consisting of the Default value: |
| Command-line arguments for your application. The value is a JSON array, for example, Default value: |
| Enable logging of the debug output. Equivalent of the Default value: |
| Enable the Default value: |
| Do not show the Spring banner in the command line. Equivalent of the Default value: |
| JVM options in the form of a JSON array, for example, Default value: |
| Show application process output in PTY (true) or in read-only view (false) Default value: |
"name": "Pet Clinic App",
"type": "spring-boot",
"dependsOn": [
"mainClass": "org.springframework.samples.petclinic.PetClinicApplication",
"module": "spring-petclinic",
"options": [
"activeProfiles": [
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