Grazie Browser Extension Help

Predict and generate text

Grazie takes the context of what you're typing into account to predict and suggest words, phrases, or even whole sentences ahead of you. It works as a handy writing assistant and helps you remove writer's block or get an alternative view on the subject.

Grazie Chrome completion suggestions

Press Tab to complete one word from the suggestion or Shift+Tab to complete the whole phrase.

By default, Grazie always shows suggestions, even if it may not fit the context. You can change to a moderate completion profile or disable completion suggestions entirely.

Continue writing

If you need to generate some text on the subject you are writing about, ask Grazie to continue writing for you.

  • With the caret at the end of the text that you want to continue, press Shift+Alt+Enter and select Continue Writing.

    Continue writing

Grazie generates text based on the context of what you were writing about.

Result of Continue Writing

You can insert the generated text or regenerate it again. The algorithm is probabilistic, so it will give a different result every time. You can also indicate how satisfied you are with the result: this will help us improve in the future.

Last modified: 13 June 2024