Proofread text
Grazie automatically checks grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style in your texts, taking into account syntax, semantics, and context. Instant proofreading is currently supported for English, German, Russian, and Ukrainian languages.
Grazie highlights all problems in your text and offers suggestions for fixing them. Additionally, it displays a problem counter in the lower-left corner to indicate how many problems exist in the text.
Navigate between problems
Grazie provides several ways to locate detected problems in the text.
To jump to the next or previous problem in your text, press F2 or Shift+F2 respectively.
To select a particular problem, hover the mouse pointer over it in the text.
To open a popup with a list of all problems and suggestions, click the problem counter in the lower-right corner of the input area and hover the mouse pointer over the problem.
Accept suggestions
Grazie provides possible fixes for each detected problem in the text. You can accept them as follows:
Navigate to a particular problem and select an inline suggestion.
Click the problem counter in the lower-right corner and select a suggestion in the popup.
The text updates automatically when you accept the suggestion.
Manage incorrect suggestions
If Grazie highlights something that is actually correct, or a suggestion is wrong, you can ignore it, add to a dictionary, and report.
To ignore the suggestion, select Incorrect suggestion | Ignore in the popup.
To prevent Grazie from highlighting a word as misspelled, select Incorrect suggestion | Add to dictionary.
To report the incorrect suggestion, select Incorrect suggestion | Report in the popup.
Additionally, the problem counter popup provides options to manage the suggestions. Click on the suggestion and select the required option.
Toggle proofreading
Grazie provides proofreading by default. You can turn it on and off as needed to suit your preferences.
Click the Grazie icon in the browser toolbar and toggle the Grammar and spelling switch on or off.