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Generator Demos

Last modified: 23 March 2021
Demo 1

This is an easy start. We will transform two types of XML elements into labels and buttons and practice how to use  root mapping rulesroot templateproperty-macroSWITCH-macro and a  template switch  along the way.

Demo 2

This demo will teach you the usage of conditional root rulesLOOP-macros and abandon root rules.

Demo 3

Demonstrates usage of template declarations and template fragments; mapping labels; the ' unique name' service; reference-macros and IF/INCLUDE/MAP_SRC macros.

Demo 4

Demonstrates usage of reduction rules, COPY_SRC-macros and more advanced reference-macros with reference resolving by mapping labels.

Demo 5

Explains how to use generation scripts and how to create utility classes in the generator.

Demo 6

In this demo we will create a 'real' language defining its own higher-level concepts (button and label) and see how languages are integrated together.
This demo explains in greater details the generation process in MPS and demonstrates the usage of transient models and the  generation tracer tool.

Demo 7

Demonstrates usage of  weaving ruletemplate declaration  and  template fragmentmapping label; 'unique name' service;  reference-macro  and  IF/INCLUDE/MAP_SRC  macros.