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Select Path dialog

Last modified: 21 July 2022

Use this dialog to specify the location of files or folders in various situations, for example, to specify an executable file to run, or a configuration file to use, or a file to export test or inspection results to, and so on.

The dialog name and the available functions depend on the task you are performing at the moment (inappropriate functions are normally disabled). For example, depending on the situation, you may be able to select only one item, or a number of items. There may be cases when you can select a folder or folders but cannot select a file or files, and so on.

When you configure a Python interpreter, you need to specify the path to the Python executable in your system. So, before configuring a Python interpreter, you need to ensure that you've downloaded Python and installed it in your system and you're aware of a path to it. You can create several Python interpreters based on the same Python executable. This is helpful when you need to create different virtual environments for developing different types of applications. For example, you can create one virtual environment based on Python 3.6 to develop Django applications and another virtual environment based on the same Python 3.6 to work with scientific libraries.