QML syntax support

Last modified: 01 September 2023

PyCharm provides syntax support in .qml files for both Qt5 and Qt6. Find below a few examples of QML code insight features.

  • Highlighting and code completion for QML types and properties:

    QML completion
  • Find Usages for QML symbols can be invoked by pressing or clicking the hint in the editor:

    QML symbols usage hints

    In the usages popup you can navigate between them and tune the search (App general gear plain):

    QML symbols usage popup
  • Another navigation option is Structure View for the file contents. To open it, press or select View | Tool Windows | Structure from the main menu:

    QML file structure
  • Quick Documentation popup is also available for QML symbols. Invoke it by hovering over a symbol or by pressing :

    Quick documentation for QML symbols