Main set of refactorings
In this section, you can study refactorings supported in C#. Most of these refactorings are also supported in Visual Basic and other languages.
In addition to refactorings, JetBrains Rider provides a number of smaller local code transformations available with context actions.
- Change Signature
- Convert Abstract Class to Interface
- Convert Anonymous to Named Type
- Convert Extension Method to Plain Static
- Convert Indexer to Method
- Convert Interface to Abstract Class
- Convert Method to Indexer
- Convert Method to Property
- Convert Property to Auto-Property
- Convert Property to Method(s)
- Convert Static to Extension Method
- Convert to Global Using
- Convert to Non-Global Using
- Copy Type
- Encapsulate Field
- Extract Class
- Extract Interface
- Extract Method
- Extract Superclass
- Inline refactorings
- Introduce Field
- Introduce Parameter
- Introduce Variable
- Introduce Variable for Substring
- Invert Boolean
- Make Method Non-Static
- Make Method/Property Static
- Extract Members to Partial
- Move refactorings
- Pull Members Up
- Push Members Down
- Rename
- Replace Constructor with Factory Method
- Safe Delete
- Add/Remove params modifier
- Transform Parameters
- Use Base Type Where Possible