JetBrains Rider 2024.2 Help

.NET Aspire run configuration

The .NET Aspire plugin provides a special run configuration for the .NET Aspire Host projects. It discovers such projects by the <IsAspireHost>true</IsAspireHost> MSBuild property. For each launchSettings.json profile of this project, the corresponding run configuration will be generated.

Aspire Host run configuration




.NET Aspire host project (defined by the IsAspireHost property).


A profile name from the launchSettings.json file. After changing the profile, the Environment Variables and URL fields will be updated accordingly.

Environment variables

List of environment variables. The list is defined by the environmentVariables property from the launchSettings.json file.


The URL that will be opened after a successful launch. By default, this value is filled with the applicationUrl property from the launchSettings.json file.

This run configuration allows you to run or debug multiple projects registered in the Host project.

Debugging multiple Aspire projects

A separate node will also be created in the Services tool window. It allows you to monitor resources while Aspire Host is running. For example, you can find resource properties, endpoints, environment variables, and read logs there.

Services tool window integration
Last modified: 10 July 2024