Move and copy refactorings
The Copy refactoring lets you create a copy of a class, file or directory in a different or the same directory.
To perform copy refactoring:
Select an identifier that you want to refactor (for example, a class in the editor or a file in the Project tool window).
Select Refactor | Copy from the main or context menu or press .
In the Copy window, specify the name and location for your copy and click OK.
The Move refactoring lets you move a file/directory to another directory or a class/module to another file .
To move a file/directory:
Select a file/directory in the Project tool window .
Select Refactor | Move from the main or context menu or press .
In the Move dialog, specify a directory where the selected file will be moved to:
Click OK.
To move a class/module:
Place the caret at the class/module name:
GifSelect Refactor | Move from the main or context menu or press .
In the invoked dialog, you can specify a new class name and a file where this class will be placed :
Click Move. If necessary, click Preview to preview the potential changes.