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Building and running

Last modified: 20 September 2024

RustRover provides many ways to build and run Rust code. All of them rely on Cargo commands. However, they address different needs and may be useful in different situations.

  • Build/run using the Cargo tool window. The Cargo tool window displays a list of all project members and targets:

    List of project targets in Cargo tool window

    You can run any target with a double click – RustRover will execute the appropriate Cargo command depending on the target type.

  • Build/run using context actions. To run/build a function or test from the editor, use the icon on the gutter opposite its name:

    Run from the gutter menu

    You can also build/run files and packages from Project view: simply right-click the item and select the necessary action.

  • Use a custom run/debug configuration. If you'd like to run a certain Cargo command with specific settings and parameters over and over again, we recommend creating a run/debug configuration and running it from the main toolbar:

    Run icon on the main toolbar