Review Code

Last modified: 10 August 2023

Space makes it easy for you and your team to review code, discuss changes, and keep track of accumulated knowledge.

A code review in Space can be associated with one or more commits, or an entire branch. Once initiated, a code review becomes a separate entity with a unique ID, allowing you and your teammates to exchange comments over specific lines of code or discuss changes in general.

Space lets you create three different types of code reviews:

  • Post-commit Code Review. This code review can be used if your team workflow implies direct commits to the trunk (main) branch of the repository. You should commit and push a change to your Git repository before a review can be initiated.

  • Merge Request. If your team workflow requires that code is reviewed before it gets merged into the base (main, master) branch, you can commit to your feature branch and create a special review for this commit called Merge request. As soon as this review is successfully passed, you can then merge your branch into the base branch right from Space.

  • File Review. You can create this code review to require changes to some specific files before these changes are actually made. Once this review is created the collaboration process is the same as with a regular post-commit code review.