Team Directory
get /api/http/team-directory/calendar-events
Deprecated since 2020-10-14: Use endpoints from 'calendars' resource. It will be removed in a future version.
Get calendar events attached to an article in a specific time period
get /api/http/team-directory/calendar-events/{id}
Deprecated since 2020-10-14: Use endpoints from 'calendars' resource. It will be removed in a future version.
Get a calendar event attached to an article
get /api/http/team-directory/calendar-events/absence-events
Deprecated since 2020-10-14: Use endpoints from 'calendars' resource. It will be removed in a future version.
Get/search absences. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
get /api/http/team-directory/calendar-events/birthday-events
Deprecated since 2020-10-14: Use endpoints from 'calendars' resource. It will be removed in a future version.
Get/search birthdays. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
get /api/http/team-directory/calendar-events/birthday-events/starred
Deprecated since 2020-10-14: Use endpoints from 'calendars' resource. It will be removed in a future version.
Get/search birthdays in a specific time period for starred profiles.
get /api/http/team-directory/calendar-events/holidays
Deprecated since 2020-10-14: Use endpoints from 'calendars' resource. It will be removed in a future version.
Get/search holidays. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
patch /api/http/team-directory/calendar-events/meeting-participations/{id}
Deprecated since 2020-10-14: Use endpoints from 'calendars' resource. It will be removed in a future version.
Update RSVP / calendar event participation status for a calendar event attached to an article
get /api/http/team-directory/calendar-events/membership-events
Deprecated since 2020-10-14: Use endpoints from 'calendars' resource. It will be removed in a future version.
Get/search membership events. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
Required permissions: View memberships
get /api/http/team-directory/calendar-events/non-working-days-events
Deprecated since 2020-10-14: Use endpoints from 'calendars' resource. It will be removed in a future version.
Get/search non-working day events. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
post /api/http/team-directory/invitation-links
Create an organization-wide invitation link
get /api/http/team-directory/invitation-links
Get organization-wide invitation links
patch /api/http/team-directory/invitation-links/{invitationLinkId}
Update an organization-wide invitation link
delete /api/http/team-directory/invitation-links/{invitationLinkId}
Delete currently active organization-wide invitation link
post /api/http/team-directory/invitations
Create an invitation to join the current organization. Optionally, the team and/or role to join when accepting the invitation can be specified.
get /api/http/team-directory/invitations
Get a list of invitations
patch /api/http/team-directory/invitations/{id}
Update an invitation. Optional parameters will be ignored when not specified and updated otherwise.
delete /api/http/team-directory/invitations/{id}
Delete an invitation. Deleted invitations can no longer be used to join the organization.
get /api/http/team-directory/languages
Get all languages
get /api/http/team-directory/location-equipment-types
Get all equipment types
delete /api/http/team-directory/location-equipment-types/name:{name}
Archive/restore location equipment type. Setting delete to true will archive the equipment type, false will restore it.
post /api/http/team-directory/location-map-member-points
Mark member location on a map
Required permissions: Update member profiles
get /api/http/team-directory/location-map-member-points
Get members on a map for a location ID
Required permissions: View location map points
patch /api/http/team-directory/location-map-member-points/{locationPointId}
Update member location on a map
Required permissions: Update member profiles
delete /api/http/team-directory/location-map-member-points/{locationPointId}
Delete member location from a map
Required permissions: Update member profiles
post /api/http/team-directory/locations
Create a location
Required permissions: Update locations
get /api/http/team-directory/locations
Get/search all locations. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
Required permissions: View locations
post /api/http/team-directory/locations/restore
Restore one or more archived locations
Required permissions: Update locations
post /api/http/team-directory/locations/{id}/restore
Restore an archived location
Required permissions: Update locations
get /api/http/team-directory/locations/{id}
Get a location by ID
Required permissions: View locations
patch /api/http/team-directory/locations/{id}
Update a location. Optional parameters will be ignored when null and updated otherwise.
Required permissions: Update locations
delete /api/http/team-directory/locations/{id}
Archive a location
Required permissions: Update locations
get /api/http/team-directory/locations/{id}/map
Get map for a location ID
Required permissions: View locations
patch /api/http/team-directory/locations/{id}/map
Update the map for a location
Required permissions: Update locations
get /api/http/team-directory/locations-with-timezone
Get all locations with their time zone
Required permissions: View locations
post /api/http/team-directory/member-locations
Add a member location, optionally from/until a given date
Required permissions: Edit locations
get /api/http/team-directory/member-locations
Get/search member locations. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
Required permissions: View member locations
get /api/http/team-directory/member-locations/{memberLocationId}
Get a member location by its ID
Required permissions: View member locations
patch /api/http/team-directory/member-locations/{memberLocationId}
Update member location. Optional parameters will be ignored when null and updated otherwise.
Required permissions: Edit locations
delete /api/http/team-directory/member-locations/{memberLocationId}
Archive/unarchive a member location. Setting delete to true will archive the member location, false will restore it.
Required permissions: Edit locations
get /api/http/team-directory/membership-events
Get/search membership events. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
post /api/http/team-directory/memberships
Create a team membership
Required permissions: Update teams
get /api/http/team-directory/memberships
Get/search team memberships. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
Required permissions: View memberships
get /api/http/team-directory/memberships/sync-batch
Get memberships for synchronization with third-party system. Memberships with etag greater than specified value are returned. Read more in the documentation.
Required permissions: View memberships
get /api/http/team-directory/memberships/{membershipId}
Get a single membership by its identifier
Required permissions: View memberships
patch /api/http/team-directory/memberships/{membershipId}
Update a team membership. Optional parameters will be ignored when null and updated otherwise.
Required permissions: Update teams
delete /api/http/team-directory/memberships/{membershipId}
Archive/unarchive a team membership. Setting delete to true will archive the membership, false will restore it.
Required permissions: Update teams
delete /api/http/team-directory/memberships/{membershipId}/revoke
Revoke a team membership to end at a given date/time
Required permissions: Update teams
get /api/http/team-directory/memberships/manager-candidates
Query profiles that can be a manager
get /api/http/team-directory/memberships/requests
Get/search all membership requests. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
Required permissions: Update teams
patch /api/http/team-directory/memberships/requests/{membershipRequestId}
Approve/reject a team membership request. Setting approved to true will approve the membership request, false will reject it.
Required permissions: Update teams
delete /api/http/team-directory/memberships/requests/{membershipRequestId}
Delete a team membership request
Required permissions: Update member profiles
patch /api/http/team-directory/memberships/{membershipId}/request-revoke
Request a team membership to end at a given date/time. Will need approval.
Required permissions: Update teams
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles
Create a profile
Required permissions: Add members
, Add new external user
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles
Get/search all profiles. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
Required permissions: View member profiles
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/email:{email}
Get profile information by email address
Required permissions: View member profiles
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}
Get profile information
Required permissions: View member profiles
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}
Update a profile. Optional parameters will be ignored when null and updated otherwise.
Required permissions: Update member profiles
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}
Delete a profile
Required permissions: Delete member profile
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/is-team-member
Check if a user profile is a member of one or more teams
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/convert-to-guest
Convert to guest profile
Required permissions: Update member profiles
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/convert-to-member
Convert to organization member
Required permissions: Update member profiles
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/reactivate
Reactivate a user profile
Required permissions: Update member profiles
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/restore
Restore a suspended user profile
Required permissions: Update member profiles
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/suspend
Suspend a user profile
Required permissions: Update member profiles
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/deactivate
Deactivate a user profile
Required permissions: Update member profiles
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/authentication-sessions/{owner}
Get the current authentication sessions for a given profile ID
Required permissions: Manage authentication sessions
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/authentication-sessions/{owner}/{sessionId}
Terminate an existing authentication session. Doing so will close the session and log out.
Required permissions: Manage authentication sessions
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/dashboards/{dashboard}
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/dashboards/{dashboard}
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/oauth-consents/{owner}
Get all OAuth consents for a given profile ID
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/oauth-consents/{owner}/applications/{application}
Remove a previously approved application
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/oauth-consents/{owner}/approved-scopes/{id}
Remove a previously approved scope
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/oauth-consents/{owner}/internal-applications/{clientId}
Remove a previously approved internal application
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/oauth-consents/{owner}/refresh-tokens/{id}
Remove a refresh token. This will require the client to re-authenticate.
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/widget-settings/{widget}
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/widget-settings/{widget}
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/working-days
Returns pairs of profiles and their working days. If several working days settings are defined for the same profile then several pairs are returned.
Required permissions: View working hours
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/2-fa/requirements
Get two-factor authentication requirements for a given profile ID. The response indicates whether two-factor authentication is required by participation in some permission roles.
Required permissions: View member profiles
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/2-fa/status
Get two-factor authentication status for a given profile ID. The response indicates whether two-factor authentication is active, not active, or not set up yet.
Required permissions: View member profiles
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/2-fa/totp
Set up two-factor authentication using TOTP ( Time-based One-time Password ) for a given profile ID. The response will return a QR code ( base64 encoded ) that can be scanned with an app to setup two-factor authentication. The code that the app generates has to be confirmed in Space to enable TOTP.
Required permissions: Set up two-factor authentication for yourself and create application passwords
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/2-fa/totp
Enable/disable two-factor authentication settings for a given profile ID
Required permissions: Manage two-factor authentication and application passwords
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/2-fa/totp
Remove two-factor authentication settings for a given profile ID. Previously generated TOTP ( Time-based One-time Password ) are rendered invalid.
Required permissions: Manage two-factor authentication and application passwords
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/2-fa/totp/confirm
Confirm two-factor authentication for a given profile ID using a TOTP ( Time-based One-time Password ) code from an app.
Required permissions: Set up two-factor authentication for yourself and create application passwords
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/application-passwords
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/application-passwords
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/application-passwords/{passwordId}
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/application-passwords/{passwordId}
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/checklists
Deprecated since 2022-04-08: Use POST on team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents. It will be removed in a future version.
Create a new checklist associated with the profile
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/checklists
Deprecated since 2022-04-08: Use GET team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/folders/{folder}/documents. It will be removed in a future version.
Get all existing checklists associated with the profile
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/checklists/import
Deprecated since 2022-04-08: Use POST on team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents. It will be removed in a future version.
Create a new checklist associated with the profile using tab indented lines as checkable items. The items with the same indent level will be placed one under the other. An issue URL will be converted into the corresponding issue.
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/checklists/{checklistId}/import
Tab indented lines are converted into checkable items following the same rules as in Import Checklist. The result is placed inside of the specified personal checklist.
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/checklists/{checklistId}
Deprecated since 2022-04-08: Use PATCH on team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/{documentId}. It will be removed in a future version.
Update an existing checklist associated with the profile
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/checklists/{checklistId}
Deprecated since 2022-04-08: Use DELETE on profiles/{profile}/documents/{documentId}. It will be removed in a future version.
Delete an existing checklist associated with the profile
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/checklists/starred
Deprecated since 2022-04-08: [SPACE-13768]: Not implemented yet. It will be removed in a future version.
Get all starred checklists associated with the profile
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/checklists/{checklistId}/full-checklist-tree
Get the content of a checklist associated with the profile
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/{documentId}
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/{documentId}
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/{documentId}
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/folders
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/folders/{folder}
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/folders/{folder}
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/folders/{folder}
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/folders/{folder}/access
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/folders/{folder}/access
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/folders/{folder}/documents
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/folders/{folder}/introduction/{documentId}
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/folders/{folder}/introduction
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/folders/{folder}/move
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/folders/{folder}/search
Executes search for personal documents and folders in specified folder
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/folders/{folder}/subfolders
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/{documentId}/access
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/{documentId}/access
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/{documentId}/copy
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/{documentId}/move
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/documents/{documentId}/unarchive
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/gpg-keys
Required permissions: Update member profiles
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/gpg-keys
List GPG public keys associated with a profile
Required permissions:
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/gpg-keys/{fingerprint}
Required permissions: Update member profiles
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/gpg-keys/{fingerprint}
Required permissions: Update member profiles
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/leads
Deprecated since 2020-12-01: To be removed. It will be removed in a future version.
Get team leads for a given profile ID
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/nav-bar-menu-items
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/nav-bar-menu-items
Toggle visibility for a given navigation bar item
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/nav-bar-projects
Add a project to the navigation bar
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/nav-bar-projects
Add a project to the navigation bar
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/nav-bar-projects/{project}
Remove a project from the navigation bar
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/notification-settings
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/notification-settings
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/permanent-tokens
Create a personal token for the given profile that can be used to access the current organization
Required permissions: Create permanent tokens for yourself
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/permanent-tokens
Get personal tokens used to access the current organization for the given profile
Required permissions: Manage permanent tokens
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/permanent-tokens/{tokenId}
Update an existing personal token used to access the current organization. The name and/or scope of the personal token can be updated.
Required permissions: Manage permanent tokens
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/permanent-tokens/{tokenId}
Delete a specific personal token used to access the current organization
Required permissions: Manage permanent tokens
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/permanent-tokens/current
Delete personal token of the given profile
Required permissions:
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/settings
This endpoint will return profile information and Space personalisation data such as projects in the navigation bar, etc.
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/settings
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/spoken-languages
Update spoken language for a profile. Optionally, firstName and lastName can be specified to add a localized name to the profile.
Required permissions: Update languages
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/spoken-languages
Get spoken language of a profile
Required permissions: View member locations
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/spoken-languages/{language}
Delete spoken language for a profile
Required permissions: Update languages
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/ssh-keys
Associate an SSH public key with the profile
Required permissions: Update member profiles
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/ssh-keys
List SSH public keys associated with the profile
Required permissions:
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/ssh-keys/{fingerprint}
Remove association between the profile and the SSH public key
Required permissions: Update member profiles
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/timezone
Get profile timezone. Returns profile ' s working hours timezone, location timezone or device timezone, whichever is present first in this list.
Required permissions: View member profiles
post /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/working-days
Required permissions: Update working hours
get /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/working-days
Required permissions: View working hours
patch /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/working-days/{workingDaysId}
Required permissions: Update working hours
delete /api/http/team-directory/profiles/{profile}/working-days/{workingDaysId}
Required permissions: Update working hours
post /api/http/team-directory/roles
Create a role
Required permissions: Update positions
get /api/http/team-directory/roles
Get/search all roles. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
Required permissions: View positions
post /api/http/team-directory/roles/{id}/restore
Restore an archived role
Required permissions: Update positions
get /api/http/team-directory/roles/{id}
Get a role by ID
Required permissions: View positions
patch /api/http/team-directory/roles/{id}
Update a role. Optional parameters will be ignored when null and updated otherwise.
Required permissions: Update positions
delete /api/http/team-directory/roles/{id}
Archive a role
Required permissions: Update positions
get /api/http/team-directory/stats
Get statistics of total members, as well as members per location, role, and team. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
Required permissions: View teams
, View locations
, View positions
post /api/http/team-directory/teams
Create a new team
Required permissions: Update teams
get /api/http/team-directory/teams
Get or search all teams. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
Required permissions: View teams
post /api/http/team-directory/teams/{id}/cancel-disbanding
Cancel disbanding a team and restore its members
Required permissions: Update teams
post /api/http/team-directory/teams/{id}/restore
Restore an archived team
Required permissions: Update teams
get /api/http/team-directory/teams/sync-batch
Get teams for synchronization with third-party system. Teams with etag greater than specified value are returned. Read more in the documentation.
Required permissions: View teams
get /api/http/team-directory/teams/{id}
Get a team by ID
Required permissions: View teams
patch /api/http/team-directory/teams/{id}
Update a team
Required permissions: Update teams
delete /api/http/team-directory/teams/{id}
Archive a team
Required permissions: Update teams
delete /api/http/team-directory/teams/{id}/disband
Disband a team
Required permissions: Update teams
get /api/http/team-directory/teams/{id}/direct-members
Get or search direct members of a given team