Click the Run button to start a build with default parameters predefined for the build configuration. This build will be run on the next idle compatible agent.
Click the ellipsis on the right side of the Run button to customize the build parameters (such as system properties and environment variables) and create the build from the desired source files. You can specify following parameters for a build:
A build agent to run this particular build
Additional system properties and environment variables for the build. Also, you can edit properties and variables specified for the build configuration.
Please note that you can edit only those default properties and variables that have the Allow to redefine this parameter when build is started manually option enabled.
Particular pending changes to trigger your build with. This option allows you to checkout particular revision of the build sources.
Enforce Clean Checkout for this build configuration. When you invoke the action, you will be prompted to select particular build agents to clean sources from:
Enforce clean checkout action is available only if the next checkout to be performed for the current build configuration is the incremental checkout. Otherwise (for example, the build checkout directory on the agent is missing) this action will be disabled. For more information about cleaning sources options, please refer to the Clean Checkout page.
Edit configuration settings
Click this link to open the Create Edit Build Configuration page. You can opt to change certain groups of the build configuration settings by clicking the down arrow to the right and choosing one of the links from the list.