TeamCity 4.0 Help

My Changes

This page shows last 5 days when the current user was active and introduced changes, already included in builds.

My changes view

Summary status of the project builds provides the following information:

  • Build State

  • Your check-in comment

  • VCS name

  • Change list number

  • VCS root name displays in a popup on pointing to the Cloud icon icon

  • Date and time of your commit

  • Number of changed files, included in build. From the drop-down list, you can view differences or open a file in an active IDE.

Option and Description


Open Build Configuration Home Page

My changes open build config

View the number of the current attempt to create the build, and information about the first attempt. From this popup frame, you can view Build Results Home Page, Changes tab and Agent Details

My changes first run in

View Build Results Home Page, Tests tab and Build Log tab

My changes open test results

View Changes tab, included in this build

View issue in the issues database

Change log view issue

View the list of changed files in the Changes tab of the Build Results page, view differences, and jump to the source code in the active IDE. The latter option is only available, if the plugin for this IDE is installed, and you are logged in to TeamCity from within this IDE

Change log view in ide

View Agent Details

My changes agent details

Last modified: 20 April 2023