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Build History Clean-Up Policy

Last modified: 20 April 2023

Administration > Configure clean-up policy

On this page you can enable or disable the clean-up process, set up its timing, and configure the Clean-Up for various build configurations. The page also informs you about the next scheduled clean-up, and the duration of the last clean-up.

Clean-up Process Settings

Configure Clean-up Rules for Specific Build Configurations

TeamCity fetches information on all projects and build configurations which are set up in your company, and you can use the table to view which data are cleaned and edit the default and specific clean-up rules. The grey text in the What to clean column shows the build configuration has a default clean-up rule. Click the text to modify the clean-up policy of the desired build configuration.

Edit Clean-Up Rule Dialog

Select either a default or custom option to turn on the default clean up rule or create a specific rule. With the custom option selected, a user can specify either one or both following parameters:

  • More than ... days older that the last build — Specify the number of days to preserve the above selected data from the cleanup. A day is equivalent to a 24-hour period, not a calendar day.

  • Older than the ...-th successful build — Check this option to preserve a certain amount of successful builds (and all the failed builds between them); specify the number of successful builds to be kept.