VCS Roots
Last modified: 20 April 2023Administration > Configure VCS roots
Use this page to view the list of all VCS roots accessible to the current user, modify the existing VCS roots, attach a VCS root to or detach it from a build configuration, or to delete a VCS root.
Item | Description |
There are <n> accessible VCS roots | TeamCity informs you about the amount of VCS roots, accessible to the current user. |
<VCS root name> <shared or belonging to a project> <status> | The first line of each table shows the name of a VCS root, accessible to the current user, whether the root is shared between several projects or belongs to a single project, and the status of the root (not monitored, checked etc.). |
edit | Click to change the selected VCS root in the New Edit VCS Roots. |
delete | Click to delete the selected VCS root, provided that there are no build configurations attached to it. |
<Project>::<Build configuration> | Each row of a table contains an entry consisting of a project name, followed by a build configuration name. |
edit | Click to change the VCS settings of the selected build configuration in the 2.Version Control Settings, the same as invoked as the second step of editing the Create Edit Build Configuration. |
detach | Click to remove the VCS root from the selected build configuration. |
Attach to build configuration | Clickto add the selected VCS root to a certain build configuration in the Choose Build Configuration dialog. |
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