TeamCity 8.0 Help

Changing Build Status Manually


A user with appropriate permissions can change the status of a build manually, i.e. make it either failed or successful (issue TW-2529).

The corresponding action is available in the Actions menu on the Working with Build Results page.

Marking build as successful

You may want to make build successful to:

  • Change the last successful build anchor when using Build failure conditions, i.e. if your last build failed because of an incorrect value of a metric, and this new value is valid, you may mark this build with a successful anchor.

  • Allow using an incorrectly failed build with good artifacts in "last successful" dependencies.

  • For a running personal build - mark current failures non-relevant to allow pre-tested commit to pass (if user has permission to do this).

"Mark as successful" action is not available for Build State.

Marking build as failed

You may want to mark a build as failed when:

  • The build has some problem which didn't affect the final build status.

  • There is a known problem with the build, and it should be ignored by your QA team.

  • You've mistakenly marked the build as successful manually.


By default, the permission to change build status is granted to Project Administrator.

Last modified: 20 April 2023