TeamCity Cloud 2024.12 Help

Simple Build Tool (Scala)

The Simple Build Tool (Scala) build runner natively supports SBT builds: you can build your code, run tests, and see the results in a handy way in TeamCity.

TeamCity supports SBT versions up to 1.5.5.

SBT runner settings

SBT parameters



SBT commands

Commands to execute, for example, clean "set scalaVersion:="2.11.6"" compile test or ;clean;set scalaVersion:="2.11.6";compile;test.

SBT installation mode

When the default <Auto> option is selected, the bundled SBT version will be installed on every TeamCity agent your build will be running. To specify an existing installation, use the <Custom> mode. The sbt-launch.jar from the \bin directory of the SBT home will be launched.

SBT home path

Available if <Custom> is selected in the option above. The path to the existing SBT installation directory.

Working directory

Optional. Specify the Build Working Directory if it differs from the Build Checkout Directory.

Java Parameters




When <Default> is selected, the JDK specified in the JAVA_HOME environment variable on the agent or the agent's own Java is used to run the build process. Set to <Custom> to use a custom JDK.

JDK home path

Available if <Custom> is selected in the option above. Specify the path to your custom JDK which will be used to run the build.

JVM command line parameters

Specify the desired Java Virtual Machine parameters, such as maximum heap size or parameters that enable remote debugging. These settings are passed to the JVM used to run your build.

-Xmx512m -Xms256m
Last modified: 07 September 2023