TeamCity Plugin for IntelliJ Platform Help

Performing Remote Debugging

Last modified: 04 April 2024

TeamCity provides the remote debug option to debug your tests on the TeamCity agent machine from the IDE on the local developer machine. This feature is of use when the agent environment is unique in some aspect, which causes a test to fail, and it is difficult to reproduce the problem locally.

## Prerequisites

  • an IntelliJ IDEA run configuration on the local developer machine with the TeamCity plugin for IntelliJ IDEA installed

  • a build configuration on the TeamCity Server with the IntelliJ IDEA Project or Ant runner as one of the build steps


    Remote debug for the Ant runner requires the build configuration on the TeamCity server to have the teamcity.remote-debug.ant.supported parameter set to true.

  • a remote TeamCity agent to run this build available to the local machine by the socket connection