Deprecated, was previously used to set up a build step for running an MSBuild script.
Replace with
Deprecated, was previously used to set up a build step for running an MSBuild script. Use the .NET MSBuild runner instead. See this link for more information on migrating to the .NET MSBuild runner.
See also
Optional collection of build step execution conditions
Build step execution mode
A path to the solution to be built relative to the build checkout directory
Whether TeamCity should run recently failed tests first to reduce test feedback
A version of tools that will be used to compile (equivalent to the /toolsversion: commandline argument).
Build working directory for the Ant script. Specify a working directory if it differs from the checkout directory.
Deletes all configured build step conditions
Configures build step conditions
Copies parameters of this object to the specified target
Validates this object and reports found errors to the provided consumer