IntelliJ IDEA Project build runner allows you to build a project created in IntelliJ IDEA
Example. Adds a simple IDEA Project build step with project JDK setup and aftifact build.
buildType {
// Other Build Type settings ...
steps {
// Other Build Steps ...
ideaRunner {
name = "My IDEA Step"
pathToProject = ""
jdk {
name = "13"
path = "%env.JDK_13_0%"
patterns("jre/lib/*.jar", "jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar")
artifactsToBuild = "aftifact1"
Content copied to clipboard }
Example. Adds an IDEA Project build step in the checkount directory root with specified project JDK settings, custom JVM settings, run configurations, artifacts build, and IDEA-base coverage.
buildType {
// Other Build Type settings ...
steps {
// Other Build Steps ...
ideaRunner {
name = "My IDEA Step"
pathToProject = ""
jdk {
name = "13"
path = "%env.JDK_13_0%"
patterns("jre/lib/*.jar", "jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar")
jvmArgs = "-Xmx256m"
targetJdkHome = "%env.JDK_11_0%"
runConfigurations = """
incrementalMake = true
makeRequiredModulesOnly = true
artifactsToBuild = """
coverageEngine = idea {
includeClasses = "org.sample.*"
excludeClasses = "org.sample.test.*"
reduceTestFeedback = IdeaRunner.TestPolicy.RECENTLY_FAILED_AND_MODIFIED
Content copied to clipboard }
Names of the artifacts to be built that are configured in the IntelliJ IDEA project
Optional collection of build step execution conditions
Specifies coverage engine to use
Build step execution mode
Compile classes and build artifacts incrementally when possible. Incremental make will work if there are caches on the agent left by the previous build of this build configuration.
Only compile classes required to build artifacts and execute run configurations. Whether to compile all classes in the project or only classes that are required by run configurations or for building artifacts.
The path to the project file (.ipr) or path to the project directory (root directory of the project that contains .idea directory). The path should be relative to the checkout directory.
Reduce test failure feedback time
Names of IntelliJ IDEA run configurations configured in the project to execute inside TeamCity build. Supported configuration types are: JUnit, TestNG, and Application.
The path to your custom JDK used to run the build
A path to a Build Working Directory, if it differs from the Build Checkout Directory
Deletes all configured build step conditions
Configures build step conditions
Copies parameters of this object to the specified target
IntelliJ IDEA coverage runner
JaCoCo coverage runner
Validates this object and reports found errors to the provided consumer