Git Hub Checks Trigger
GitHub Checks Webhook Trigger allows TeamCity to automatically run builds on every commit and communicate build statuses to GitHub as Checks page messages.
Example. Trigger a TeamCity build whenever a new change is pushed to a remote GitHub repository. In addition, this trigger posts detailed build result info to GitHub.
buildType {
// Other Build Type settings ...
triggers {
// Other Triggers ...
gitHubChecks { }
Content copied to clipboard }
Example. Disable links to TeamCity in detailed reports on the GitHub
buildType {
// Other Build Type settings ...
triggers {
// Other Triggers ...
gitHubChecks {
disableLinksToTeamcity = true
Content copied to clipboard }
See also
Parameters that are added to triggered builds
Disable TeamCity links in GitHub check run output
Whether the build should be triggered with clean checkout
When the enforceCleanCheckout is set to true specifies whether the clean checkout should also be applied to all dependencies.
Configures build parameters that are applied to triggered builds
Deletes all configured build parameters
Copies parameters of this object to the specified target
Validates this object and reports found errors to the provided consumer