TeamCity Pipelines Help


The "Maven" Step type allows you to utilize Apache Maven to build projects.

Maven Step Settings


The sequence of space-separated Maven goals.

POM Location

The path (relative to the working directory) to the Maven POM file. If this setting is not specified, TeamCity attempts to use the pom.xml file located directly in the root working folder.

Runner Arguments

The list of optional command-line parameters. The -q and -f parameters are ignored.

Maven Version

JetBrains-hosted TeamCity agents ship with multiple Maven versions. This setting allows you to choose a specific version for this Step.


If enabled, TeamCity processes only those Maven modules that have been modified since the last time this Step was executed.

JDK Home

Allows you to utilize a custom JDK that should be used instead of the agent's default JDK referenced by the JDK_HOME environment variable.

JVM Arguments

Optional parameters passed to the JVM that runs your build. For example, you can specify the maximum heap size or enable remote debugging.

Dependency Cache

A typical Maven project often needs to retrieve JAR dependencies from external sources, such as Maven Central, GitHub Package Registry, Azure Artifacts feeds, and others. The Enable Dependency Cache option available in the Optimizations section of Job Settings allows TeamCity to cache dependencies downloaded during the initial pipeline run. Subsequent runs can then reuse these cached dependencies instead of re-downloading them, significantly increasing the speed and cost-efficiency of your pipelines.

See this documentation section for more information: Optimizations: Dependency Cache.

Last modified: 14 June 2024