YouTrack lets you customize the sidebar — you can manually sort projects, tags, and saved searches and manually select which of them are displayed (pinned). When they are pinned in the sidebar, projects, tags, and saved searches are added to the list of search contexts that are available in the Search Context list.
Experimental Feature
An updated version of the Issues list is currently available on an experimental basis. The information provided here applies to the classic version of the page. To learn how to customize the sidebar in the experimental version, see Sidebar.
The following items are pinned to the sidebar by default:
All new projects in which you have access to issues.
Tags and saved searches created by you — both personal and shared.
Default saved searches: Assigned to me, Reported by me, and Commented by me.
The following options are available for Projects, Tags, and Saved Searches:
Show More
Click the N more down arrow in the corresponding section to view additional items that are not shown in the list.
Move the pointer over a project, tag or saved search and click the icon to hide the item in the sidebar.
Click the N more down arrow to expand the list of hidden items. Move the pointer over a project, tag or saved search and click the icon.
An additional option lets you apply a filter to the current search context and query. For more information, see Filters.