YouTrack Standalone 2021.2 Help


The settings on the Notifications tab of the Global Settings page let you configure how users are notified about changes applied to issues and articles in YouTrack.

Email Server Settings

These settings let you configure the connection between YouTrack and a mail server. This enables notifications in YouTrack over email. For detailed instructions, see Enable Email Notifications.

Email notificationsThis control enables or disables email notifications in YouTrack.
Server addressThe server address of your mail server.
Server portThe connection port for the mail server.
Mail protocolThe protocol that is used by your mail server.
Connect anonymously

When enabled, YouTrack connects to your mail service without sending a username and password. Use when your mail service does not require authentication.

When this option is enabled, the input fields for SMTP username and SMTP password are disabled. Values that are stored in these settings are ignored.

UsernameThe username of the account that is used to access the mail server.
PasswordThe password for the account that is used to access the mail server.
SSL key

This list lets you select an SSL key that contains a trusted certificate and its public and private key pairs. The key identifies YouTrack as a client when it tries to connect to your mail server.

From address

The default address for sending email notifications from YouTrack. This sets the value for the "From:" field in the email header. You can either use the format sender name <> or enter an email address without the sender name.

For more information, see From and Reply-to Addresses.

Reply-to addressAn optional address to which email replies are sent. This sets the value for the "Reply-To:" field in the email header for messages that are sent by YouTrack. Use this setting when, for example, the address that you use to send email notifications cannot receive replies.
Send test messageThis control lets you test the connection to your mail server by sending a test message to a specific email address.

Jabber Service Settings

These settings let you configure the connection between YouTrack and a Jabber service. This enables notifications in YouTrack over XMPP. For detailed instructions, see Enable Notifications over Jabber.

To disable sending notifications over Jabber, deselect the Enable check box.

Jabber notificationsThis control enables or disables Jabber notifications in YouTrack.
Server addressThe server address of your Jabber service.
Server portThe connection port for the Jabber service.
Service nameThe name of your Jabber service. Use when the service name and address (hostname) are not the same. This setting is commonly required for ejabbered servers.
UsernameThe username of the account that is used to access the Jabber service. Use the format username@domain.
PasswordThe password for the account that is used to access the Jabber service.
SSL key

This list lets you select an SSL keystore that contains a trusted certificate and its public and private key pairs. The keystore identifies YouTrack as a client when it tries to connect to the Jabber service.

Use legacy SSLThis option disables the certificate validity check for the SSL connection. Recommended only when you are using to send notifications and encounter a problem with the connection to the Jabber service.

If you run a YouTrack JAR installation, upgrading the version of your JRE/JDK on the server to at least Java 1.8.0_101 should resolve this problem without having to disable the validity check.

Send test messageThis control lets you test the connection to your Jabber service by sending a test message to a specific Jabber account.

Notification Templates

This link opens a page that lets you customize the email and Jabber notifications that are sent by YouTrack. For more information, see Notification Templates.

Last modified: 27 April 2021