Which versions of Java do you regularly use?

Java 879%Java 749%Java 612%Others1%

Java 6 is used by 13% of companies with 50+ employees, and only 8% of smaller ones.

37% of Java developers develop mobile apps.
96% of Java mobile developers develop for Android.

What application servers do you regularly use?

Apache Tomcat68%Jetty26%Wildfly10%JBoss EAP10%Glassfish7%Weblogic7%WebSphere6%Others3%None17%

Which frameworks do you use as an alternative to an application server?

Netty13%Spark Java13%Undertow4%Vert.x4%Others4%None69%

63% of Enterprise back-end developers and 50% of mobile developers profile JVM.

How do you run / deploy your web applications?

Use as an embeddedserver (e.g. JAR)58%As artifacts(e.g. WAR)66%Not sure4%

What web frameworks do you use? (%)

Spring MVCSpring BootStruts 2Play FrameworkJSFGWTStruts 15137129966DropwizardVaadinGrails 3Grails 2WicketOthersNone53321426

The more experience in IT industry Java developers have,
the more likely they are to use at least one web framework.

Which build systems do you regularly use?


Only 12% of Java developers do not use Maven or Gradle.

Which editor or IDE do you use the most?

IntelliJ-based (IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio)59%Eclipse or Eclipse-Based*30%NetBeans6%Sublime2%Vim1%Others1%

*Including Spring Tool Suite, JBoss Tools, Scala IDE etc.