Which version of Ruby do you use the most?

Ruby 2.411%Ruby 2.358%Ruby 2.220%Ruby 2.15%Ruby 2.01%Ruby 1.93%Others1%

27% of developers don't want to change their Ruby version.

Which Ruby version manager do you regularly use?


Which gem management tools do you regularly use?

Bundler90%RVM gemsets29%rbenv gemsets8%None3%

Bundler is the most popular tool across all Ruby developers including RVM and rbenv users.

48% of Ruby developers haven't authored any gems.

What web development tools or / and frameworks do you regularly use?

Ruby on Rails97%Rack21%Sinatra13%Hanami4%React.rb2%Others7%

Which versions of Rails do you use?

Edge Rails3%Rails 5.x33%Rails 4.254%Rails 4.14%Rails 3.25%Others2%

49% of Rails developers plan to migrate to Rails 5.x and only 5% to Rails Edge.

Which servers do you regularly use in production?


Which unit testing frameworks do you regularly use?
