Dashboards allow you to create collections of reports and other useful information on a single page. You can create unlimited dashboards for your personal, team, and customer needs, and share them with other YouTrack users or make them publicly available.
Free for teams of 10, forever
Guest dashboards with filtered issue lists and formatted text widgets give your customers a window into what you’re working on now and what your plans are for upcoming iterations.
A team dashboard with current tasks, progress, upcoming deadlines, work rate, and time tracking data helps everyone see who’s working on what, and keeps the team informed about their key performance metrics.
Every team member can create personal dashboards with their own task backlog, reminders, useful shortcuts, and other information.
Give yourself and your team peace of mind (or motivation to pick up the pace) with a clear view of sprint health indicators.
After creating a new dashboard, you need to populate it by adding and configuring widgets. Widgets are content blocks that display reports, issue lists, formatted text, and other information. Each widget has its own settings and can be repositioned and resized on the dashboard.
YouTrack comes with a standard selection of widgets. You can install additional apps that contain dashboard widgets from JetBrains Marketplace and even create your own custom apps.
Dashboards can be shared with specific users, teams, and groups, or made public. You can also give editing permissions to other users.
Individual widgets can also be shared with other users, who can then add them to their own dashboards.
Permission to view or edit a dashboard does not override global YouTrack permissions, so users will only see the information and issues that are normally available to them when using YouTrack.