YouTrack’s built-in time tracking and reporting features enable you to keep a thorough record of the estimated and actual time spent on issues, with analysis per project, team, assignee, and other criteria.
Integrations with third-party tools provide a wide range of automated time tracking options for your team to choose from.
Support for powerful scripted workflows means you can automatically remind team members when they forget to log time, or even alert team leads when someone is working excessive overtime.
Try YouTrack’s time tracking with a free version.
Free for teams of 10, forever
You can also record time spent on multiple dates or date ranges for a single issue in one go.
Simply press the “Add spent time” button to add a work item to an issue. Work items are separate time entries that include the time you spent working on a task and a description of the work done.
YouTrack’s smart text command interface allows you to log time quickly and easily. Just open the command field for an issue and type something like “add work Testing Today 2h 45m verifying texts” to log 2 hours and 45 minutes spent verifying texts today. YouTrack will parse your command and log your spent time.
Integration with Memtime and PomoDone allows you to import time tracking records from these applications into YouTrack.
Memtime automatically logs how much time you spend working in different desktop applications and browser tabs, as well as idle time when you’re not using your computer. You can then create a work item in a YouTrack task from each of the logged work sessions.
PomoDone lets you record pomodoro sessions as time spent working on tasks in YouTrack.
The YouTrack integration plugin for JetBrains IDEs lets you access a list of tasks assigned to you and log time spent on them directly from your IDE interface. This lets you stay focused on coding and avoid the distraction of switching contexts.
The plugin lets you track time manually or automatically, and allows you to filter your task list and apply commands to issues right inside your IDE.
An interactive calendar view for individual assignees and a spreadsheet-like report for projects provide a clear and efficient way to review and manage time tracking entries. Project timesheets can display entries per user or per issue, and can be grouped and aggregated by an issue field.
YouTrack provides multiple ways to display and report recorded time tracking logs. Three preconfigured time reports and a Gantt chart view of logged time allow you to compare estimates with actual time spent and create time reports with a breakdown by project, task, assignee, or almost any other issue field. Timesheet reports provide a breakdown of time spent on selected issues per day, week, or month.
Time spent on subtasks is automatically aggregated into their parent issues’ time logs for clear and accurate reporting at the user story and epic levels.
Time reports can be added to dashboards for convenient monitoring of sprint and project health.
YouTrack displays estimated time and actual spent time in scrum boards, with overall totals for the entire sprint and breakdown by column, swimlane, and individual task.
The burndown chart shows the ideal burndown for a sprint based on estimates vs. actual time logged, allowing you to can easily track progress and forecast sprint outcomes.
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