DataGrip 2024.2 Help

Definition and type definition

In DataGrip, you can see where and how symbols, such as variables, arguments, or functions are defined in your project. For this purpose, the IDE features the Quick Definition popup.

Quick Definition popup

View definition of a symbol at caret

  • Place the caret at a symbol in the editor and press Ctrl+Shift+I (or click View | Quick Definition in the main menu).

  • Alternatively, with the Ctrl key pressed, hover over any symbol. DataGrip displays the symbol as a link and shows its definition in a tooltip. Click this link to jump to the definition of the symbol.

    Jump to the selected definition

You can open a definition in the Find tool window. To do so, click the Options icon in the top-right corner of the popup and click Open in Find tool window Open in Find Tool Window.

To open the source code of the definition for editing and close the popup, click the Options icon and then click Edit Edit Source (F4).

Toolbar of the quick definition lookup

Use the icons on the toolbar of the popup to navigate to the source code of the definition and view its usages.


Keyboard shortcut


Alt+Shift+Left, Alt+Shift+Right

Navigate to the previous/next screen in the definition popup after using hyperlinks in the definition.


Open the source code of the definition for editing, and close the quick definition lookup window.

View the definition source code


Open the source code of the definition, and preserve the quick definition lookup window opened.

Last modified: 15 August 2024