- Deprecated library is used in Gradle
Reports deprecated dependencies in Gradle build scripts.
- Deprecated library is used in Maven
Reports deprecated maven dependency.
- Invalid property key
Reports unresolved references to .properties file keys and resource bundles in Kotlin files.
- Kotlin Gradle and IDE plugins versions are different
Reports that Gradle plugin version isn't properly supported in the current IDE plugin.
- Kotlin Maven Plugin misconfigured
Reports kotlin-maven-plugin configuration issues.
- Kotlin library and Gradle plugin versions are different
Reports different Kotlin stdlib and compiler versions.
- Library and maven plugin versions are different
Reports different Kotlin stdlib and compiler versions.
- Maven and IDE plugins versions are different
Reports that Maven plugin version isn't properly supported in the current IDE plugin.
- kotlin-test-junit could be used
Reports usage of kotlin-test and junit dependency without kotlin-test-junit.
- Code migration
Sub-group of 1 inspection that provides checks for Code migration
- Coroutine inspections
Sub-group of 1 inspection that provides checks for Coroutine inspections
- Java interop issues
Sub-group of 9 inspections that provide checks for Java interop issues
- Logging
Sub-group of 1 inspection that provides checks for Logging
- Migration
Sub-group of 19 inspections that provide checks for Migration
- Naming conventions
Sub-group of 12 inspections that provide checks for Naming conventions
- Other problems
Sub-group of 12 inspections that provide checks for Other problems
- Probable bugs
Sub-group of 47 inspections that provide checks for Probable bugs
- React
Sub-group of 0 inspection that provides checks for React
- Redundant constructs
Sub-group of 57 inspections that provide checks for Redundant constructs
- Style issues
Sub-group of 91 inspections that provide checks for Style issues
Thanks for your feedback!