Inspectopedia Help


Deprecated library is used in Gradle  

Reports deprecated dependencies in Gradle build scripts.

Deprecated library is used in Maven  

Reports deprecated maven dependency.

Invalid property key  

Reports unresolved references to .properties file keys and resource bundles in Kotlin files.

Kotlin Gradle and IDE plugins versions are different  

Reports that Gradle plugin version isn't properly supported in the current IDE plugin.

Kotlin Maven Plugin misconfigured  

Reports kotlin-maven-plugin configuration issues.

Kotlin library and Gradle plugin versions are different  

Reports different Kotlin stdlib and compiler versions.

Library and maven plugin versions are different  

Reports different Kotlin stdlib and compiler versions.

Maven and IDE plugins versions are different  

Reports that Maven plugin version isn't properly supported in the current IDE plugin.

kotlin-test-junit could be used  

Reports usage of kotlin-test and junit dependency without kotlin-test-junit.

Java interop issues  

Sub-group of 9 inspections that provide checks for Java interop issues


Sub-group of 1 inspection that provides checks for Logging


Sub-group of 19 inspections that provide checks for Migration

Naming conventions  

Sub-group of 12 inspections that provide checks for Naming conventions

Other problems  

Sub-group of 12 inspections that provide checks for Other problems

Probable bugs  

Sub-group of 47 inspections that provide checks for Probable bugs


Sub-group of 0 inspection that provides checks for React

Redundant constructs  

Sub-group of 56 inspections that provide checks for Redundant constructs

Style issues  

Sub-group of 91 inspections that provide checks for Style issues

Last modified: 18 June 2024