PhpStorm's built-in support for the WordPress CMS framework includes:
- Code completion and navigation
Code completion for hook names. Navigation between hook registrations and hook invocations. Go to the callback function declaration or usages from a hook registration.
- Log highlighting
View and navigate WordPress log files in the editor or in the terminal. Use the pre-configured highlighting patterns or customize the format or coloring if required.
- WordPress code style
Configure the WordPress code style and use PHP_CodeSniffer to check code against the WordPress coding standards.
- WP-CLI tool
Run WP-CLI commands from PhpStorm using the Run Anything action and debug the controller classes corresponding to the selected commands.
- New WordPress projects from a template
Create a new WordPress project from a template. In this case, the WordPress integration in the project is activated automatically.
- View WordPress documentation from the editor
Open the official WordPress documentation page at http://wordpress.org/ right from the PhpStorm editor.