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Language injections

Last modified: 21 July 2022

If a string literal (or a tag/attribute in an XML-like language) contains some other formal language, such as regular expression, HTML, and so on, ReSharper can provide code inspection, quick-fixes, code completion, context actions, and many other features specific to that language right inside this excerpt.

ReSharper supports the following languages inside C# , JavaScript, and TypeScript string literals:

There are cases when language excerpts in another language file can be detected unambiguously, for example, JavaScript inside <script></script> tags or CSS in the style attribute in HTML. In these cases, ReSharper detects embedded languages automatically. If necessary, you can configure automatic language injections in specific cases on the Code Editing | Language Injections page of ReSharper options (Alt+R, O).

When a formal language inside a string literal cannot be detected automatically, ReSharper allows you to manually mark the literal as containing specific language in one of the following ways:

This feature is supported in the following languages and technologies:

The instructions and examples given here address the use of the feature in C#. For details specific to other languages, see corresponding topics in the ReSharper by language section.