RustRover 2024.3 Help

Start the debugger session

Starting a debugger session is very similar to running the program in normal mode. The debugger is attached behind the scenes, so you don't have to configure anything specific to start a debugger session. If you are able to run your program from RustRover, you will also be able to debug it using the same configuration.

Any debugger session is based on a run/debug configuration. The configuration type depends on the type of your application and the runtime environment.

  • Click Run icon next to the desired entry point and select Debug.

    Initiating debug from the gutter

    This will create a temporary run/debug configuration for you. After that, you can customize and save this temporary configuration if needed.

  • If you already have a run/debug configuration, select it from the run/debug configurations list and click the Run icon button or press Shift+F9.

    Launch debug from the toolbar

Pause/Resume a debugger session

When the debugger session is running, you can pause/resume it using the buttons on the toolbar of the Debug tool window:

  • To pause a debugger session, click the Pause button.

  • To resume a debugger session, click the Resume button F9.

Restart a debugger session

  • Click the The Rerun button Rerun button in the Debug tool window or press Ctrl+F5.

Terminate a debugger session

  • Click the Stop button in the Debug tool window.

    Alternatively, press Ctrl+F2 and select the process to terminate (if there are two or more of them).

Productivity tips

Last modified: 27 November 2024