TeamCity On-Premises 2024.07 Help

Configure Agent Installation

A build agent can be configured by adjusting in the <TeamCity Agent Home>/conf/ file.

General Agent Configuration

This Java properties configuration file can store properties that will be published on the server as agent properties and can participate in the Agent Requirements expressions. All system and environment properties defined in the file will be passed to every build run on the agent.

Syntax reference:

  • Use property_name=value<newline> syntax.

  • Use # in the first position of the line for a comment.

  • Use / instead of \ as the path separator. If you need to include \, escape it with another \.

  • Whitespaces are processed as any other symbol.

Example agent configuration file:

## The address of the TeamCity server. The same as is used to open the TeamCity web interface in the browser. ## Must include the protocol specification (https:// is recommended). serverUrl=http://localhost:8111/ ## The unique name of the agent used to identify this agent on the TeamCity server ## Use blank name to let server generate it. ## By default, this name would be created from the build agent's host name name=Default agent ## Container directory to create default checkout directories for the build configurations. workDir=../work ## Container directory for the temporary directories. ## Please note that the directory may be cleaned between the builds. tempDir=../temp ## Container directory for agent state files and caches. ## TeamCity agent assumes ownership of the directory and can delete the content inside. systemDir=../system ###################################### # Optional Agent Properties # ###################################### ## A token which is used to identify this agent on the TeamCity server for agent authorization purposes. ## It is automatically generated and saved back on the first agent connection to the server. authorizationToken=1234567890abcdefghijklml

Make sure the file is writable for the build agent process itself. For example, that the file is updated to store its authorization token generated on the server-side.

If you install multiple TeamCity nodes behind a reverse proxy, serverUrl should be set to the proxy URL.

If the name property is not specified, the server will generate a build agent name automatically. By default, this name will be created from the build agent's host name.

The file can be edited while the agent is running: the agent detects the change and (upon finishing a running build, if any) restarts automatically loading the new settings.

Optional Properties

Build Agent Port

The port where the TeamCity build agent starts and where it listens for the incoming data from the server is determined via the ownPort property (9090 by default). If the firewall is configured, make sure that the incoming connections for this port are allowed on the agent machine.


If more than one build agent is hosted on the same machine, different ports must be assigned to them via the ownPort property in the file of every agent.

Build Agent IP Address

When an agent connects to the TeamCity server for the first time, the agent automatically determines its IP address to use for connection, unless the ownAddress property is defined. If the agent machine has several network interfaces, automatic detection may fail. In this case, it is recommended to specify the ownAddress property:

ownAddress=<own IP address or server-accessible domain name>

Alternative Fetch URL

If you have a self-updating Git repository proxy that is significantly closer than the original Git repository for certain agents, you can allow these agents to download sources from this mirror. To do so, add the teamcity.git.fetchUrlMapping.<name>=<original URL> => <proxy URL> setting to the agent configuration file. See this section for more information: Git VCS Root | General Settings.

The Configure Command

To set up the file, you can run the <Agent_folder>/bin/agent.bat or <Agent_folder>/bin/ script with the configure command. This command allows you to set up core agent properties and save them to the target configuration file. If no configuration file path is specified, the changes will be saved to the default <Agent_folder>/conf/ properties.

To view the list of available parameters, run this command with the --help flag.

./ configure --help Java executable is found: '/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/amazon-corretto-11.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java' Configuring TeamCity build agent... TeamCity Agent configurator Usage: configure PROPERTIES_FILE configure -f PROPERTIES_FILE configure [PROPERTIES] configure --usage status status short Where PROPERTIES format is --key=value or --key value Supported properties: * --agent-config-file=PATH - path to build agent properties file (<Agent Root>/conf/ by default) * All default properties that can be configured in file Also there are aliases for some of them: address = ownAddress auth-token = authorizationToken logs-dir = logsDir name = name port = ownPort server-url = serverUrl system-dir = systemDir temp-dir = tempDir work-dir = workDir

Sample command that writes the server URL and sets up the custom agent name:

./ configure --server-url http://localhost:8111/ --name AG2

Set up Agent Behind Proxy

It is possible to configure a forward proxy server for agent-to-server connections.

On the TeamCity agent side, specify the proxy to connect to the TeamCity server using the following properties in the file:

## The domain name or the IP address of the proxy host and the port teamcity.http.proxyHost=123.45.678.9 teamcity.http.proxyPort=8080   ## If the proxy requires authentication, specify the login and password teamcity.http.proxyLogin=login teamcity.http.proxyPassword=password

If the proxy has a HTTPS endpoint, you can also configure the teamcity.https.* properties.

Last modified: 18 September 2024